Archive for the ‘Budget Crisis’ Category

Did You Notice What Fat Cat Nancy Pelosi Was Wearing When She Was Debating the Budget?

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Pelosi Wears Hermes ScarfHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Sports Expensive $400+ Designer Hermes Scarf for Shutdown Debate –Twitchy

Related: Every Scarf Has a Story –WSJ

H/T: Michelle Malkin

Senate Democrats Kill House Spending Bill–Reid Refuses to Attend White House Meeting to Negotiate Compromise With GOP

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Harr Reid Tax HikesSen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Uses Procedural Tricks to Raise Taxes on Americans  Image: The Humble Libertarian

(Washington Times) The Senate Democrat Majority voted today 54-46 to kill the House GOP latest stopgap spending measures that would have: (a) delayed implementation of ObamaCare for 1 year; (b) repealed the jobs killing medical device tax and (c) continued to pay the military.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would have none of it arguing that the House Republicans are nothing more than bullies, “With a bully you can not let them slap you around,” adding that, “we are dealing with anarchists–they hate government—we’ve done everything we can to be fair and reasonable.”


On Sunday, Politico reported that President Obama considered setting down with the Congressional leadership to potentially work out a budget compromise. Sen Reid privately urged Obama to call off that meeting, according to several people familiar with the situation, warning Obama that he would not attend the meeting. Obama scrapped the idea.

Related: Anti-ObamaCare Senate Candidate Breaking Fundraising Record

Democrat Natl Committee is Nearly Broke –CNN Money

Where Oh Where Was Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid Sunday After the GOP Did Their Job?

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Sen Harry ReidPretty Much Sums Up Sen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
Image: Stupid America/Twitter

(Politico) The Republican led House of Representatives passed a ‘Continuing Resolution’ early Sunday morning that would fund the government through the 15 December, while delaying implementation of ObamaCare for 1 year, a repeal of the jobs killing medical device tax and provision to pay the military.

Where Oh Where Was Harry Reid All Day Sunday?

If Congress does not having a budget passed and signed by the president into law by 12:00 AM Tuesday 01 October, Democrats would like for Americans to believe that its the Republicans fault, government will shut down and the center of the universe (which Democrats seem to believe is Washington, DC) will cease to exist as we know it.

Sunday, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid most certainly was not in the Senate Chamber and has made it clear that the Senate will not reconvene until Monday at 2:00 PM

So much for the urgency.

Related: Three Defunding Myths –CATO

Obama Willing to Negotiate with Iran Over Nuclear Program But Not Congress Over Budget

Saturday, September 28th, 2013

Obama Negotiates With Irans President RouhaniObama Administration & Iran’s Islamic Fascist President Hassan Rouhani Confirm Negotiations@Twitter  — Jim Roberts

(The Hill) Today during the President’s weekly radio address to Americans (did anyone actually hear it? I digress) Obama reiterated his demand to the House GOP Leadership to pass a budget bill on-time and that its his way or the highway.

“I will work with anyone who wants to have a serious conversation about our economic future but I will not negotiate over Congress’ responsibility to pay the bills it has already racked up. I don’t know how to be more clear on this.”

Yesterday I wrote here that Obama has confirmed that he has been chatting on the phone with Iran’s Islamic Fascist President Hassan Rouhani about Iran’s nuclear weapons program but is unwilling to negotiate over the federal budget with House Speaker John Boehner or even be engaged in the budget process.

Related: The Overrated Debt-Ceiling –National Review

What the Debt Ceiling Really Means –CATO

Obama Calls Iran’s President Rouhani But Refuses to Phone House GOP Leadership About Budget

Friday, September 27th, 2013

Obama Rouhani Chat On PhoneIran’s Islamic Fascist President Hassan Rouhani Deleted Tweet About Phone Call With Obama –Mashable

(Weekly Standard) Obama confirmed today that he spoke on the phone with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani but Obama refuses to put in a call to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) or even be engaged in the budget process.

Obama Claims Today: Health Care Law is Unrelated to the Budget Deficit

Friday, September 27th, 2013

ObamaCare DeficitsObamaCare Boosts Federal Budget Deficit in First 10 Years
Investors Business Daily

Related: Do the Math–ObamaCare Increases Deficit by $59 Billion -CATO

Obama Productions Enlists “Funny or Die” Studio Hollywood to Film ObamaCare Propaganda Flicks

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Mike Farah Funny or Die ObamaCare Death Panals“Funny or Die” Producer/Director Mike Farah to Educate Young Americans on ObamaCare Death Panels –Image: Kate News 2Day

(L.A. Times) Obama Productions in association with “Funny or Die” studio are working on some 20 propaganda flicks at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $1 Million or so to help promote ObamaCare.

In July, NewsBusters reported that the Obama Administration recruited ‘Hollywood Star Power’ to sell ObamaCare especially to young people that will need to pony up and pay the freight to subsidize government run health care for older generations.

From the looks of the Obama Administrations recruitment of Mike Farah who formally has produced such thrillers as “Obama’s Kickstarter Campaign to Solve the Debt” in 2011 (how is that working out for you) to other unknown comedy classics such as “Government Shutdown” to “Stop the Environment” starring the always lovable and admitted Socialist Ed Asner, one can be sure that Obama Productions will turn out some real unmemorable Hollywood duds in coming weeks all courtesy of the American taxpayers.

In related news, according to The Washington Post President Obama last week in a lecture from the White House said that he will not negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling and called on them to cede the battle over ObamaCare and pass a new budget.

From the looks of all the “play money” the Obama Administration has to waste on ObamaCare propaganda flicks, there appears to be plenty of room for negotiations to reign in our nearly $17 Trillion deficit.

Related: FDA Spends $182,814 to be More Effective on Social Media

Companies Seek to Unblock California’s 15.4B Barrels of Recoverable Shale Oil in Monterey Field

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Bright Future For ND Dismal Future For CaliforniaBright Future for North Dakota Energy Revenue, Dismal Outlook for California –Image: California Political Review

(WSJ) California’s Monterey Shale formation is estimated to hold as much as 15.4 Billion barrels of recoverable offshore shale oil reserves in the United States lower 48 states or more than double the amount of  North Dakota’s prosperous Bakken Field and Three Forks formations according to the 2013 estimates by the U.S. Dept of Interior and U.S. Geological Survey.

Problems do exist in extracting the oil from layers of rock seeming as impenetrable as another, California’s rigid regulatory climate.

The latter will likely make it impossible any time soon, for California to take advantage of this new found wealth right under ones feet, despite the state’s weak economy and high unemployment, falling tax revenues, a $127+ Billion deficit and dismal consumer confidence that things will improve anytime soon.

Democrats in Sacramento together with their loony liberal lefty environmentalist wacky partners, will be willing to forgo this huge new opportunity to reverse the state’s negative and dangerous economic trends and instead will kick a gift horse in the mouth by staying on their disastrous greeny course, benefiting no one in the short and long term but will ‘feel really good’ when they pretend to ‘feel the pain’ in the suffering of others.

Related: The Liberals Idea of Suffering –The College Conservative

CBO: Nation’s Economy Unsustainable

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

ObamaCare Fiscal Outlook

Thanks to ObamaCare the nation’s economic outlook couldn’t be more bleak. Earlier this month the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported the following:

The federal budget deficit has fallen faster than we expected a few years ago and projected deficits have been reduced relative to what we expected to occur if the policies at that time were to be continued. However, relative to the size of the economy debt remains historically high and is on an upward trajectory  in the second half of the coming decade.

The fundamental federal budgetary challenge has hardly been addressed. The largest federal programs are becoming much more expensive because of the retirement of baby-boomers and the rising cost of health care, so we need to cut back on these programs, increase tax revenue to pay for them or take some combination of those actions. Those choices are difficult and the decision as to when we should implement such changes is complicated by the negative they could have on the economy if they took effect while its still fairly weak.

On Tuesday, the CBO reported their 2013 Long Term Budget Outlook which paints an even more grim picture of the nation’s economy:

  • During Obama’s Watch, between 2009 and 2012 the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946 causing federal debt to soar.

Flashback: Remember last month when Obama on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno claimed “We’ve seen the deficit cut in half.” Either he was lying or simply just doesn’t know or understand even basic economics and only says what he’s either memorized (told what to say) without the use of his teleprompter.

  • CBO projects that federal debt held by the public will reach 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2038 debt would be on an upward path relative to the size of the economy a trend that could not be sustained indefinitely.

Budget Projections For The Long Term:

  • Federal spending for major health care programs and Social Security will increase to a total of 14% of GDP by 2038 twice the 7% average of the past 40 years pre-ObamaCare;
  • The federal government’s net interest payments will grow to 5% of GDP compared to an average of 2% over the past 40 years mainly because federal debt will be much larger;
  • The gap between federal spending and revenues will widen steadily after 2015 by 2038 the deficit will be 6.5% of GDP larger than in any year except in 1947 and 2008 and federal debt held by the public will reach 100% of GDP more than in any year except 1945 and 1946 with such large deficits the federal government will be growing faster than GDP a path that would be ultimately unsustainable.

How long the nation could sustain such growth in federal debt is impossible to predict with any confidence. At some point, investors would begin to doubt the government’s willingness or ability to pay U.S. debt obligations making it more difficult or more expensive for the government to borrow money. Moreover, even before that point was reached, the high and rising amount of debt–will have significant negative consequences for both the economy and the federal budget.

Related: CBO: America Is Going Bankrupt –The American Spectator

U.S. Drops to 17th Place in Worldwide Economic Freedom –CATO

Obama Drops $100s of Millions Dollars in Africa, How Many Hungry Americans Would That Feed?

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

100M Obama Family Vacation To Africa --Constantine Soriao$100 Million for Obama’s Family Vacation to Africa How Many Hungry American Kid’s Would That Feed? –Image: Constantine Soriao

(WND) Obama drops  hundreds of millions of dollars to help Kenya farmers  to properly store veggies together with promises to send many hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in additional aid for African energy programs.

On the 20 June, I wrote here that the U.S. Dept of Agriculture (USDA) slashed 600,000 recipients from the ‘Women’s, Infant’s & Children’ (WIC) program while wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on programs such as subsidizing a Vodka distillery in North Carolina to providing grants for Virginia’s Meadow Croft Farm for ‘social media and marketing’ of pickles to Glenmary Gardens in Virgina to market ice cream, flavored syrup’s and jellies together with spending wasting $15,000 to to study the feasibility of producing fish food in Indiana.

How many of those 600,000 WIC recipient’s funds could be restored with the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been wasted by the USDA and for President Obama on his recent family vacation to Africa?

Related: Obama’s  2013 Air Force One Costs $24 Million and Rising