Archive for the ‘Budget Crisis’ Category

At a Time of Budget Shortfalls and a $17 Trillion+ Deficit, Is It Time to Privatize Federal Land?

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Natl Park ServiceNatl Park Service Closed Due to Govt Slimdown
Image: KenLeland@Twitter

This morning while watching the House Oversight Hearing on Natural Resources Chaired by Rep Doc Hastings (R-WA) one heard lots of talk and speechifying by some Members’ that it seemed, wanted to appear that they had something important to say but the one question that wasn’t asked of Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the Natl Park Service, maybe was the most important that would have cut to the chase.

Why is it that we even have a National Park Service?

Now this may seem silly to ask but would seem to be vitally important given our nearly $17 Trillion national debt which has more than doubled during Obama’s Watch to $123,000 per working American worker.

The Natl Park Service founded in 1916 today manages some 400 parks and monuments in all 50 states and territories at a cost to taxpayers of more than $2.8 Billion at a time when we do not have the money to continue to fund this non-essential government service. Maybe it would be better today, given our economic budgetary shortfall, that federal land and monuments be left up to the individual states, private companies or charities (as the case may be) to manage and maintain?

Not only would this prevent future closures of our spectacular landmarks but would put an end to all of the silliness by future administration’s and the Park Service, from closing and erecting barricades that prevent Americans and foreign visitors from visiting our national historic treasures.

Related: Reforming Federal Land Management –CATO

House Speaker Boehner Capitulates to Obama on Debt Ceiling, Will the Govt Slimdown be Next?

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Boehner and Obama

(WSJ) House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said today that he will agree to extend the out-of-control $16.9+ Trillion federal deficit until the 20th November, with no spending cuts and budget reforms that Boehner pledged last year, would need to be included in any future hike in federal borrowing authority.

Flashback: Remember in May, 2012 when Boehner said “When the time comes, I will again insist on my simple principle of cuts and reforms greater than the debt limit increase. This is the only avenue I see…to force the elected leadership in the country to solve our structural imbalance.”

On the 1 January, I wrote here that it’s time for Boehner to go. House Republicans had given Speaker Boehner an opportunity to redeem himself but once again, Boehner shamelessly has compromised on a pledge that he made only a year before, forfeiting any real leverage the GOP had in deficit reduction by caving into Obama’s demands.

If Conservatives want to keep the House and win control of the Senate in 2014 John Boehner needs to be ousted as Speaker and a principled leader must be chosen, lest we see a repeat of 2006 in next year’s mid-term elections.

Related: GOP Must Oppose Obama’s Reign of Error –Newsmax

Obama’s Job Approval Drops to 37%

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Obama Poll Numbers(AP) Obama’s Job Approval Drops to 37% –Image: BlackBlueDog/Twitter

On the 04 October, The Wall Street Journal reported that an Obama Administration Senior Official speaking on the ‘Govt Slimdown’ said “We are winning…It doesn’t really matter to us,” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.”

I don’t ordinarily give advice to Democrats but given the circumstances, will make an exception just this once–here it goes:

The Obama Administration and Democrat Lefties may want to reconsider that strategy? It just doesn’t seem to be working so well for them.

Related: Cracks Emerge Among Democrats –Washington Post

Mr Obama: You Claim Deficits Falling, If So, Why Is It That Congress Needs to Raise Debt Ceiling?

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Obama Flip Flop on Debt CeilingObama’s Debt Ceiling Politics –Heritage Foundation

Obama is continually saying, “Our deficits are now falling at the fastest rate since the end of World War II…”

If this is true Mr. President, why is it that Congress needs to raise the debt ceiling?

Related: The Real Dysfunction: A $17 Trillion Natl Debt –CATO

What the Debt Ceiling Really Means

Obama’s Watch: Feds Spend $98,670 for Single Waterless Outhouse in Alaska

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Obama Approved OuthouseObama Approved Outhouse –Image: Kevin@Conservotop/Twitter

(CNS News) The Bureau of Land Management recently paid $98,670 for the purchase and installation of a ‘Rometc 1011 Aspen Single’ waterless outhouse at the Swede Park Trail in Alaska–I’m thinking, that those Govt Bozo’s that approved that purchase should be fired. I could have fixed them up with one (Obama Approved Outhouse pictured) for a whole lot less.

Flashback: Remember when Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently claimed “The cupboard is bare. There is no more cuts (in the federal budget) to make. I think its really important that people understand that.”


Related: Suggested Prime Cuts 2013 –Citizens Against Govt Waste

What Crisis??? Only 17% of Govt Shutdown During Obama’s & Senate Democrats Govt Slimdown

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Time to Reclaim the ColoniesQueen Elizabeth Weighs in on Obama’s & Democrats Govt Slimdown
Erika Lowe/Twitter

(Washington Examiner) Everyone knows (or they should) the phrase ‘Government Shutdown” doesn’t mean the entire government is shutdown–so in a partial government shutdown slimdown like the one underway at the moment, how much of the government is actually shutdown?

One way to measure this is how much money the government spends. Ahead of the government slimdown, the military pay act passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama  at the beginning of the slimdown is actually a huge percentage of the government’s discretionary spending in any given year and that is still flowing. So if one takes that money and add it to all of the entitlement money unaffected by the government slimdown together with all of the funds unaffected by the slimdown the actual amount is staggering and one may wonder what all of the brouhaha is all about?

Based on estimates drawn from the Congressional Budget Office and Office of Management and Budget 83% of government operations will continue–this figure assumes the government pays amounts due on appropriations obligated before the shutdown ($512 Billion) spends $225 Billion on exempted military and civilian personnel, pays entitlement benefits for those found eligible before the shutdown (about $2 Trillion) and pays interest costs when due ($237 Billion) This is about 83% of projected for spending of $3.6 Trillion.

So the ‘government shutdown’ at least as measured by money spent is only about a 17% slimdown of federal expenditures.

Related: House Approves Back Pay for Non-Essential Govt Employees

Pentagon Recalls Most Furloughed Civilian Employees

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Why Would We Fund Cancer Research For Kids?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Harry Reid Denies Cancer Treatment For ChildrenDemocrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid With a Message for Children With Cancer –Image: Ryan Ojibway/Twitter

(Daily Mail) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) finds himself in embarrassingly hot water today after dismissing the idea of funding children’s cancer research through the government slimdown:

CNN Repoter Dana Bash: “If you can help one child, why won’t you do it?”

Sen Harry Reid: “Why, why, why would we want to do that? I have one thousand people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home because of government employee furloughs–they have, they have a few problems of their own.”

On Tuesday, House Democrats blocked stopgap funding bills for veteran affairs programs, national parks and museums and for the City of Washington, DC

“The Greatest Generation” Storm the Gates of the Barricaded WW II Memorial

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

WW II MemorialPresident Obama Barricaded Veterans Out of the WW II Memorial to Impose ObamaCare on the American People –Sen Ted Cruz/Twitter

(FOX News) A new wave of Veterans today, were forced to remove barricades at the WW II Memorial to gain access during the federal government ‘slimdown’ a spokesperson from Sen Jerry Moran (R-KS) told FOX News today.

The ‘Greatest Generation’ WW II Vets from Ohio, Kansas and Missouri arrived at the memorial, one day after another group of Vets, relied on assistance of Republican lawmakers to move the barricades to allow access. Park Police did not interfere with either group of Veterans from entering.

Republican Natl Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus announced today that the RNC is prepared to pay the costs to keep the WW II Memorial open for the next 30 days.

The Obama Administration has not accepted the offer from the RNC, “The administration has decided that they want to make this government shutdown as painful as possible, including depriving our veterans the chance to visit the landmark. That’s not right, we all now that’s not fair,” said Priebus.

Flashback: Remember when obstinate President Obama canceled White House tours, even after FOX News Eric Bolling offered to personally pay for one weeks worth of White House tours from his own pocket–the Obama Administration rejected that offer.

Why is it that tourists can’t visit our national memorials by self guided tours instead of having some federal bureaucrat escort them?

Related: Democrats BLOCK House GOP Bills to Keep Key Agencies Open

Hypocrisy: More Obama Lies About Debt Ceiling

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Obama Debt CeilingObama Claims Republicans That Vote Against Debt Ceiling Hike are ‘Extreme’ and ‘Irresponsible’ –Image: I Am The Tea Party/Facebook

(Daily Caller) While President Obama (lies again) claiming that Republican efforts to tie a debt ceiling increase to GOP budget priorities have “never been seen in the history of the country” Democrats have consistently battled debt ceiling increases when Republican president’s were in office.

On the 19 September, I wrote here that Obama claimed, “raising the debt ceiling which has been done over a hundred times does not increase our debt.”

I own an overpass over the 405 its for sale cheap, just in case President Obama is interested? I digress.

Flashback: Remember in 2008 while campaigning for President, then Sen Barack Obama assailed President Bush calling him “unpatriotic” for adding $4 Trillion to the national debt in 8 years as President.

Its taken Obama just 39 months to run up a $5 Trillion debt and now he has the audacity to claim, the nearly nearly $17 Trillion federal budget deficit is not a debt crisis. How “unpatriotic” is that?

Does Obama think, that we’re stupid?

H/T: I Am The Tea Party

Government Shutdown Day 1: Sky Does Not Fall, Stocks Close Up 62.03

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

DOW Jones Industrial AverageGovt Shut Down Day 1: Stocks Close Up 62.03
Image: Bree Kelly/Twitter

(CNN) Obama claimed on Monday ahead of a government shutdown:

“So a shutdown will have a very real economic impact on real people right away, past shutdowns have disrupted the economy significantly–this one will too. It will throw a wrench into the gears of our economy at a time when those gears have gained some traction.”

Today stocks rise 62.03 closing at 15,191.70 so much for Obama’s doom and gloom warning that the sky will fall and economic Armageddon would happen today.

Related:  Past Govt Shutdowns Haven’t Caused Stock Market to Tank