Obama’s Watch: USDA Slashes WIC to Subsidize Wineries

Gun Control --I Am A Conservative Woman

(Breitbart) On Wednesday, Sen Tom Coburn (R-OK) penned a letter to Secy of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, pointing out waste and abuse of taxpayers money within his department that could be eliminated in order to pay for ‘Women, Infants & Children (WIC) assistance that the Agriculture Dept slashed for 600,000 recipients.

Coburn pointed out that despite sequestration , USDA representatives held ‘a workshop on the agency’s economic development and affordable housing programs’ for residents of Martha’s Vineyard–Clearly ‘affordable housing’ is not the key issue in an area where the least expensive home (2 bedroom condo) is listed at $260,000

In fact Coburn pointed out that all of Martha’s Vinyard (where the Democrat elitist’s spend their Summer’s) has been designated a rural area, eligible for USDA taxpayer-backed home loans.

Related: USDA Wasted $45,000 on West Virginia Bloody Mary Mix Co

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