Archive for May, 2023

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Pope Saint Gregory VII, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

St Gregory VII

Pope Saint Gregory VII (1020-1085)
Image: —Spread

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Sovama and named Hildebrand, he was educated in Rome and subsequently went to France according to Catholic News Agency and became a Monk at Cluny.

During the 10th century and the first half of the 11th century, these were dark days for the Church partly because the Papacy was the pawn of various Roman families. In 1049 these things began to change when Pope Leo IX a reformer, was elected and brought a young Monk Hildebrand, to Rome as his Counselor and special representative on important missions; he would later become Pope Gregory VII

Three Evils Plagued the Church at That Time:

  • Simony: The buying/selling of Sacred offices and things);
  • Concubinage: The practice of keeping a concubine and the unlawful marriage of the clergy;
  • Investiture: Kings and Nobles controlling the appointment of Church officials.

To all of these Hildebrand directed Pope Leo XI attention to as his Counselor and would never ceased to condemn.

When Hildebrand was elected Pope (taking the name Gregory VII) in 1073 his Papal letters stressed the role of ‘Bishop of Rome’ as the Vicar of Christ and the visible center of the unity in the Church — Pope Gregory is well known for his long dispute with Roman Emperor Henry IV over who should control the selection of Bishops and Abbots.

Pope Gregory subsequently excommunicated the Emperor Henry IV, his subjects turned against him and at last he sough absolution of Pope Gregory at Canossa but the Emperor did not persevere and set up an anti-Pope and besieged Pope Gregory at the castle of St. Angelo resulting in the aged Pontiff attempt to flee, fiercely resisting any attack on the liberty of the Church –Pope Gregory subsequently died in exile saying: “I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile.”

His faithful attendant answered: “Vicar of Christ, an exile thou canst never be, for to thee God has given the Gentiles for an inheritance and the uttermost ends of the earth for thy possession.”

Thirty years later the Church finally won its struggles against Lay Investiture.

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Patron Saint of the Abused & Widows – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

St Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia (1381-1457)
Image: Patheos

(CNA) Born in Italy Umbria, Rita’s parents Antonio and Amato Lotti were known as ‘Peacemakers’ of Jesus. From her earliest of days, Rita visited the Augustine Nuns at Cascia and showed interest in a religious life but at the age of 12, she was married off to a violent and hot tempered husband Paolo Mancini, he was murdered some 18 yrs later. Rita forgave his murderers and prayed that her two sons that promised to avenge their father’s death may also forgive. — Rita was given this grace, her son’s who died while young men had reconciled with God.

Subsequent to the death’s of Rita’s sons, she again felt called to a religious life and went to the Augustine Convent at Cascia but initially was refused entry. Rita prayed and sought the intercession of Saint’s Augustine, Mary Magdelene and John the Baptist — Rita was finally permitted to enter the convent and lived a life of prayer, penance and service to the people of Cascia. Over the years, her austerity, prayerfulness and charity became legendary.

When Sister Rita received a stigmata like thorn wound in answer to her prayers to be more profoundly conformed to the passion of the Lord Jesus. Sister Rita’s care for ill Nuns was especially loving and she would counsel lay persons who came to the Monastery.

Sister Rita was bedridden the last 4 yrs of her life, consuming almost nothing except for the Eucharist, she passed away on this day in 1457 at the Augustinian Convent xxx at Cascia of tuberculosis.

In 1627 Sister Rita was Beatified by Pope Urban VIII and Canonized in 1900 by Pope Leo XIII

On the 100th Anniversary of Saint Rita’s Canonization, Pope Saint John Paul II, noted  her remarkable qualities as a Christian Woman saying:

“The Saint of Cascia belongs to the great host of Christian Women who have had a significant impact on the life of the Church as well as society — Rita well interpreted well the feminine genius by living it intensely in both physical and spiritual motherhood.”

More here from the Vatican and here from Franciscan Media

Related: National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia, Philadelphia, PA

Today Christians Memorialize St. Cristobal Magallanes & Companions Martyrs for Jesus Christ, Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, May 21st, 2023

St Cristoobal Magallanes and CompanionsSaint Cristobal Magallanes & Companion Martyrs –Image: Pierced Hearts

Born into a farm family in 1869 in Mexico Totatiche, Cristobal (or Christopher) worked as a shepherd during his youthful days according to SQPN entering the seminary at Guadalajara at the age of nineteen.

In 1899 at the Church of St. Teresa of Guadalajara, Cristobal was Ordained a Priest according to Pierced Hearts and was given the responsibility of Chaplain, Vice Principal of a school of arts and trades in Guadalajara.

For 17 years Fr. Cristobal worked in the Parish of Totalice, establishing Catechism centers and schools for those living in the countryside, together with constructing a dam to aid irrigation, founded homes for orphans, together with organizing a program of small plots of lands were provided to help poor farmers, which the government of Mexico had instituted  and enforced laws against the Church in an absurd attempt to eradicate Catholicism, going so far as to ban all foreign clergy and the celebration of the Mass.

On this date in 1927 Fr. Cristobal went to celebrate a religious feast on a local ranch where a fight ensued between the Cristeros and federal Roces commenced by General Goni — Fr. Cristobal was arrested and taken to Totalice, where he was imprisoned together with his Vicar Fr. Caloca, subsequently the pair were moved to the municipal palace in Colotitlan to face execution where Fr. Cristobal said:

“I am innocent and I die innocent. I forgive the authors of my death from my heart and ask God that my blood would serve to bring peace to divided Mexicans.”

Fr. Cristobal together with 21 other Priest and 3 Lay-Companions were Martyred in Mexico, between 1915 and 1937 by either an assassins bullet or hanging.

In 1992 Fr. Cristobal was Beatified and 73 years to the day of his execution/martyrdom he was Canonized by Pope Saint John Paul II

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: Holy Scripture Readings on the Memorial of St. Cristobal Magallanes & Companions -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Bernardine of Siena, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, May 20th, 2023

St Bernadiene of Siena

Saint Bernardine of Siena
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) Born in Italy Massa Marittima in the territory of Siena, Bernardine was a true disciple of St. Francis, an admirable minister of the Word of God, inflamed with the most ardent love of our Divine Redeemer, was made by God an instrument to kindle the same Holy fire innumerable souls and to inspire them with his spirit of humility and meekness.

At the age of 17 Bernardine enrolled himself in the confraternity of Our Lady in the hospital at Scala to serve the sick. About three years later when Bernardine was about 20 according to Franciscan Media the plague was at its height in his hometown with sometimes as many as twenty people dying in one day at the local hospital. Bernardine offered to manage the hospital and with the help of other young men, nursed patients. While Bernardine escaped the plague, a fever finally exhausted him and confined him for several months.

Following Bernardine’s recovery, he spent another year caring for his beloved Auntie (her parents had died when he was just a child) and at her death, he began to fast and pray to know God’s will for his life.

Bernardine entered the Franciscan Order at 22 and was Ordained just two years later. For nearly a dozen years Fr. Bernardine lived in solitude and prayer however his gifts ultimately caused him to be sent to evangelize. Fr. Bernardine always traveled by foot, sometimes ministering for hours in one place, then doing the same in another town.

Fr. Bernardine, especially known for his devotion to the Holy name of Jesus, devised the symbol “IHS” the first 3 letters for the name of Jesus in Greek in Gothic letters on a blazing sun–this was to displace the superstitious symbols of the day as well as the insignia of factions. The devotion spread and the symbol “IHS” began to appear in Churches, homes and public buildings. Opposition arose from those who believed it was a dangerous innovation. Three attempts were made to have Pope Martin V take action against Fr. Bernardine but his holiness, conviction and intelligence prevailed–were evidenced of his faithfulness.

Fr. Bernardine’s tireless commitment to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people remained until the very end of his life.

In 1444 Fr. Bernardine set out to minister in Naples, where he had only visited once before, en-route he became ill and was taken to the Convent of Saint Francesco where he died on the ‘Vigil of the Feast of Ascension’ at the age of 63

Fr. Bernardine was Canonized in 1450 by Pope Nicholas V

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Saint Theophilus of Corte, Please Pray For Us!

Friday, May 19th, 2023

St Theophilus of Corte

Saint Theophilus of Corte (1676-1740)
Image Courtesy: Roman Catholic Saints

(Franciscan Media) Born at Corte in France Corsica and named Biagio Arrighi, according to SQPN into a noble and wealthy family, we don’t know much about his early life.

Biagio Arrighi joined the Franciscans at the age of 17 taking the name “Theophilus’ (Friend of God) and soon showed contentment in solitude and prayer. After admirable completing his studies, Theophilus was Ordained a Priest and assigned to a retreat house in Italy Subiaco.

Inspired by the austere life of the Franciscans, Fr, Theophilus founded other such houses in France Corsica and Italy Tuscany. As time past, he would likewise became famous as an Evangelist and his missionary work.

Fr. Theophilus generously served the needs of Christians in the confessional, sickrooms and hospitals, together at the graveside.

Worn out by his labors, Fr. Theophilus passed away in 1740, he was was Canonized in 1930 by Pope Pius XI

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

It is Christ Jesus, who died, was raised
and who is at the right hand of God,
who indeed intercedes for us! –Cf. Romans 8:34

Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
— remember, I am with you always
to the end of the age.” –Matthew 28:19A-20B

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when He was taken up to Heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles whom He had chosen. After His suffering (passion and death on the Cross) He presented Himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the Kingdom of God. While staying with them, He ordered them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait there for the promise of the Father. “This,” He said, “is what you have heard from Me, for John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (See: Luke 24:49; John 14:16)

The Ascension of Jesus!

So when they had come together, they (Apostles) asked Him, ‘Lord, is this the time You will restore the Kingdom of Israel?’ Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” When Jesus had said this, as they were watching, He was lifted up and a cloud took Him out of their sight. While Jesus was going and they were gazing up toward Heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward Heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into Heaven.’ –Acts 1:1-11

St. Paul’s Prayer

Brothers and Sisters: “I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the Saints and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance among the Saints and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power for us who believe, according to the working of His great power. God put this power to work in Christ Jesus when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the Heavenly places, far above all rule, authority, power and dominion, above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come and He has put all things under His (Jesus’) feet and has made Him the head over all things for the Church, which is His Body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Amen! –Ephesians 1:15-23

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Ascension of the Lord, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Paschal Baylon, Patron Saint of Eucharistic Societies – Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

St Paschal Baylon

Saint Paschal Baylon (1540-1592)
Image: Saint Louis Catholic

(EWTN) Born in Spain Torrehermosa, Paschal’s parents were day-laborers and very virtuous and to their example, Saint Paschal Baylon is greatly indebted for their spirit of Christian devotion.

Their financial circumstances were too narrow for them to send Paschal to school but their devout son out of an earnest desire of attaining instruction, carried a book with him into the fields as he watched the lambs and desired those that he met to teach him the letters and thus in a short time being yet very young he learned to read. This advantage he made use of only to improve his soul in devotion and zeal for books about the lives of Saints and meditation on the life of Jesus Christ were his chiefest delights.

Paschal was able to pray while Shepherding the lambs and was especially attentive to the Church bell according to Franciscan Media which rang at the during the celebration of Mass — Paschal had a very honest streak in him and once offered to pay owners of crops for any damage that his lambs may have caused.

At the age of about 20 he left his family and friends to go to a solemn convent of Franciscans which stood in solitude, joining them, he entered into service, giving himself wholeheartedly to a life of penance and sacrifice. Though Paschal was urged to study for the Priesthood, he chose instead to remain a Lay Brother–at various times he served as a Porter, Cook, Gardener and would seek charity for the Franciscans.

Paschal was careful to observe his vows of poverty, he would never waste any food or anything given for use of the Franciscans. When Paschal would work as a Porter and would take care of the poor coming to the door, he developed a reputation of great generosity–the Friars sometimes attempted to moderate his liberality to the poor.

Spending his spare moments in prayer, the Holy sacrament of the alter and the Passion of our Divine Redeemer were Paschal’s most tender devotion. At the waning days of his life, Paschal spent a considerable part of the night at the foot of the alter on his knees in prayer.

Paschal died in Spain Villareal on this date in 1592 and was Beatified in 1618 by Pope Paul V and Canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Margaret of Cortona, Patron Saint of Penitent Women – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

St Margaret of Cortona

St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297)
Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Tuscany into a working farming family, Margaret was a beautiful child and in her parents devotion to her for she was their only one according to EWTN they could barely help but spoil her.

While Margaret was still very young her Mother died, a traumatic event to most children of any age but even more for a very young child. Margaret’s journal (records) disclose that her Mother taught her a prayer that she never forgot:

“O Lord Jesus, I beseech Thee, grant salvation to all those for whom Thou wouldst have me pray.”

Margaret’s father remarried, her stepmother was a difficult woman resulting in an open and continued conflict–Margaret moved out and accepted a position for a certain nobleman named Arsenio who couldn’t help but take notice of the pretty young maiden who went about his mansion. Soon Margaret became his mistress, while her suitor on occasion promised her that one day they’d be married and a son was born to the couple, they never did get married.

One day as Margaret waited for the father of her baby Arsenio to return, she was instead met by his dog which led her into the forest and she discovered him to have been murdered–this crime, shocked Margaret into repentance and a life of penance.

Margaret soon thereafter returned with her child to her father’s home, where she was not well received by her stepmother and eventually was driven from the home. Margaret was now homeless with a child–she remembered at Cortona, was a Monastery of Franciscans, it was famous all over the countryside and she thought she may go to them, perhaps they would have pity on her and find her shelter but she was uncertain.

With no place left to go, Margaret knocked on the door of the Monastery, the Friars did not turn her away and they found her a home. Under their roof, Margaret began in earnest her life of penance and in 1277 became a Franciscan Tertiary.

Under the direction of her Confessor who sometimes had to order that Margaret moderate her self-denial–Margaret’s life became one of a wonderful record of the way God deals with his penitents.

Margaret learned the skills of nursing, subsequently established a hospital and founded a Congregation of Tertiary Sisters who devoted themselves in service to the poor and suffering.

Like Saint Catherine of Siena (Feast Day: 29 April) after her, Margaret became a wonderful example of Mysticism combined with her soul for action, through contemplation and love.

Margaret passed away in 1297 being just 50 yrs of age, her Confessor and first biographer recalled that one day shortly before Margaret’s death, she had a vision of Saint Mary Magdalene (Feast Day: 22 July) “most faithful of Christ’s apostles, clothed in a white robe as it were of silver and crowned with a crown of precious gems, surrounded by the Holy Angels.” While Margaret was in this state of jubilation, Christ spoke to her saying: “My Eternal Father said of Me to the Baptist: This is My beloved Son, so do as I say to thee of Magdalene: This is My beloved daughter.”

On another occasion we’re told that “she (Margaret) was taken in spirit to the feet of Christ, which she washed with her tears as did Magdalene of old and as she wiped His feet, she desired greatly to behold His face and prayed to the Lord to grant her this favor.” To the end, we see that Margaret was the same and yet the difference.

Margaret was buried in the Church of St. Basil in Cortona. Around her body and later at her tomb, her Confessor reported that so many miracles, physical and spiritual were worked, that he could fill a volume with the record of those which he personally knew alone.

On this date in 1728 Margaret was Canonized by Pope Benedict XIII

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Isidore the Farmer, Patron Saint of Rural Communities – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Saint Isidore the Farmer (1070-1130)
Image: Pinterest

Born in Spain Madrid to poor parents, Isidore was named after Saint Isidore of Seville (Feast Day: 04 April) and while his parents could not afford to provide their son with a formal education, they instilled in him a love of prayer and an hatred of sin at an early age.

When Isidore was barely old enough to wield a hoe, he took employment for Juan de Vergas, according to Franciscan Media a wealthy landowner from Madrid, working faithfully on his estate outside the city for his entire life.

As the years past and Isidore reached the age of marriage in his day, he met a young woman Maria de la Cabeza (Feast Day: 09 September) who shared his Christian values and later they were married–subsequently they had one son who died as a child. Following his death, they agreed to serve God together and had no other children.

Isidore became a model of how to unite prayer and work in the Christian life. Every morning he would arise early to celebrate Mass and all day long as he toiled in the fields, he would be praying to God, the Saints and/or to his Guardian Angel. Isidore would spend many holidays making pilgrimages to visit Churches of Madrid and surrounding areas.

One day, Isidore’s envious co-workers complained to Juan de Vergas that Isidore had been arriving late for work for he lingered in Church too long following Mass. When de Vergas went to investigate, he saw Angels plowing the field in Isidore’s place; Another time, de Vergas saw two Angels working alongside of Isidore, so that he would accomplish 3 times as much as his fellow co-workers.

Isidore became well known for his love and generosity for the poor, miraculously supplying them with food, together with his kindness to animals–Isidore reportedly worked many miracles throughout his life and was already considered to be a Saint among men before his death on this date in 1130

On the 12 March, 1622 Isidore was Canonized by Pope Gregory XV

It is said that in the year 1212 that Saint Isidore appeared to King Alfonso VIII (1155-1214) who at the time was engaged in war with the Moors (Islamic Jihadists at Las Navas de Tolosa) to show him a way to surprise the enemy.

King Alfonso was successful in his military campaign against the Moors and Almohads (Islamic Caliphate) in a decisive Christian victory that helped turn the tide of the ‘Reconquista’ recapturing territory seized by Muslims, according to Encyclopedia Britannica that had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula.

More here from EWTN

Publishers Note: Pope Pius V (Feast Day 30 April) is remembered as a defender of Catholic doctrine and Christian civilization for implementing steps in his time to stop the spread of militant Islam, bringing together both Spanish and Italian naval forces–realizing a dramatic and decisive battle against the Muslim’s, destroying their entire naval fleet in 1571

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Matthias, Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, May 14th, 2023

St Matthias

Saint Matthias, Apostle
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) The Greek ‘Matthias’ was one of the seventy disciples of Jesus and had been with him from His baptism by John to the Ascension —Acts 1:21-22 It is related Acts 1:15-26 that in the days following the Ascension, Peter proposed to the assembled Brethren–that they choose one to fill the place of the traitor Judas in the Apostolate. Two disciples Joseph called Barsabas and Matthias were selected and lots were were drawn, with the result in favor of Matthias, who became associated with the 11 Apostles.

All further information concerning the life and death of Matthias is vague and contradictory, according to Franciscan Media Matthias is not mentioned by name anywhere else in the New Testament.

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings and More, Visit: -USCCB