Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Matthias, Please Pray For Us!

St Matthias

Saint Matthias, Apostle
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) The Greek ‘Matthias’ was one of the seventy disciples of Jesus and had been with him from His baptism by John to the Ascension —Acts 1:21-22 It is related Acts 1:15-26 that in the days following the Ascension, Peter proposed to the assembled Brethren–that they choose one to fill the place of the traitor Judas in the Apostolate. Two disciples Joseph called Barsabas and Matthias were selected and lots were were drawn, with the result in favor of Matthias, who became associated with the 11 Apostles.

All further information concerning the life and death of Matthias is vague and contradictory, according to Franciscan Media Matthias is not mentioned by name anywhere else in the New Testament.

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