Archive for October, 2013

Obama’s Watch: 15% of Young People Out of School and Work

Monday, October 21st, 2013


(AP) Almost 6 Million young people (ages 16-24) are neither in school or working, according to a new study by The Opportunity Nation Coalition released today.

On the 18 October, I wrote here that in Los Angeles County, joblessness and poverty is a growing problem for both young people and Asian Americans during Obama’s Watch.

Other studies have shown that young adults are missing out on a window to build skills they will need later in life or use the knowledge they acquired in college. Without those experiences, they are less likely to command higher salaries and are more likely to be an economic drain on their communities.

ObamaCare: Democrats Say The Strangest Things

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

ObamaCare Rollout TeamObamaCare Rollout Team –AF Branco Cartoons

Democrats Say The Strangest Things:

Delusional Dick Durbin Mocked for Calling ObamaCare a Success

David Axlerod: “Isn’t it ironic that the most ardent opponents of the ACA are now complaining that people can’t sign up fast enough.”

–Update: ObamaCare/Covered California More Failures–

“I’ve been to the ‘Covered California’ website over 6x–none of which have worked. Website beyond buggy-its broken.”
Agent Orchid@Twitter

“My test trial w/Covered California ended in constant failure to log in. I’d be frustrated if I needed insurance. 2/2” –Ana-Maria Popescu@Twitter

“Covered California’s Website=Failure! So many f* system errors!”

Yicky! Democrat L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar Accused of Sexual Harassment

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Jose Huizar LA City CouncilLos Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar –Image Courtesy: LA Weekly

(FOX News Latino) Who can forget disgraced former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner (aka Carlos Danger) his illicit sexual escapades and lewd chats with Women via Twitter, or more recently Filthy Democrat San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, now there is yet another yicky pervert, Democrat L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar now making news for his sexually harassing, pressuring and intimidating a subordinate to engage in sex with him to keep her job and advance her career.

Francine Godoy in her sexual harassment complaint filed against Huizar with the California Dept of Fair Employment and Housing alleged that she was subjected to sexual harassment (quid pro quo and hostile work environment) and retaliated against after refusing Huizar’s advances.

While Huizar initially denied Godoy’s allegation, he later conceded that her claims were in-part true but claims they were “consensual” that he “deeply regrets.”

Riiight…regrets that he’s been exposed and that his wife and family have found out.

Isn’t it ironic that Jose Huizar on his website surrounded by his wife and four children (3 girls and a boy–what has he taught them) claims that he’s ‘proven himself a staunch advocate for educational reform and public safety…helped to create thousands of new jobs,’ (how he’s done this is anyone’s guess) as to his ‘staunch’ advocacy for public safety, Francine Godoy may think a little differently about that.

What’s up with these Democrat deviant’s War on Women, preying on subordinates for sexual favors to satisfy whatever prurient desires their small minds can imagine?

Huizar an Attorney graduated from UCLA Law School, before being elected to L.A. City Council, Huizar served as President of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) between 2003-2005 and earlier worked with the Harvard Civil Rights Project as well as being appointed to the Board of Trustees at Princeton University.

What message has this degenerate not only has sent to all of the LAUSD and Princeton University students that may have (at one time) looked up to him but to his own children?

How long will it be before California Democrats Gov Jerry Brown, Congressional Rep Nancy Pelosi, Senator’s Feinstein and Boxer call for this latest Democrat pervert to resign?

MSNBC Liberal Lefties Say the Strangest Things: GOP is to Blame for ObamaCare Roll Out Failure

Friday, October 18th, 2013

MSNBC Loony Liberal Lefties...MSNBC Loony Liberal Lefties Say The Strangest Things
Image: KRLA AM870

H/T: Twitchy

Only in Los Angeles: Democrats Propose Setting Up a Commission on Voter Apathy

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Voter Apathy

(KPCC) With many more serious problems in Los Angeles such as double digit unemployment and poverty for young adults and Asian Americans one would think that Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson formerly Democrat Speaker of the California Assembly, would have better things to do with his time than introducing a resolution this week to tackle voter apathy in citywide elections.

Democrats with maybe just a little too much time on their hands, may be looking at the low voter turnout issue all wrong. It just may be as result of no confidence in the revolving door politicians that never really leave public office such as Herb Wesson being termed out in the California Assembly in 2004 he has since, continually been a member of the city council and doesn’t seem to have any higher ambitions than the next election.

In September, Gallup released a survey that showed Americans ‘trust in the American people” to make judgments about political issues facing the nation has declined in recent years but is still considerably higher than the confidence one has in politicians.

ObamaCare/Covered California Generates Loads of Data But Keeps Number of Enrollees Under Wraps

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

Covered CaliforniaObamaCare/Covered California Down Again
Image: HangEmHigh@Twitter

(San Francisco Business Times) So two weeks in, ‘Covered California’ is piling on the statistics, releasing late on Tuesday a flurry of figures: Number of visitors to its website since ObamaCare’s roll-out; Number of calls to its call centers; Number of navigators but the one number that is peculiarly missing is, how many people have actually completed applications for coverage?

Of course one must be suspicious in the accuracy of any data provided subsequent to state officials admitting that they exaggerated lied about the actual number of visitors the website received by 10 fold, during the first day of ObamaCare’s roll out.

Related: ObamaCare/HHS Allegedly Misusing Copyrighted Software

Senate Debt Ceiling Bill Contains $2.9 Billion Earmark for Kentucky Project

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Throw The Bums OutThrow The Bums Out in 2014 & 2016 –The Patriot Vision/Facebook

The Senate/House bill voted on tonight ending the 16 day ‘Government Slimdown’ which funds ObamaCare and suspends the debt ceiling, contained a $2.9 Billion Congressional earmark for Kentucky Senate RINO Mitch McConnell.

In related news, New York RINO Rep Pete King (R-NY) claimed today that the debt ceiling fiasco is a victory for America.

Riiight…Tell that too the Bonnie Doon Ice Cream employees in Indiana, the latest ObamaCare casualties that have just been laid-off this week.

Whatever happened to the GOP Pledge to America ‘that bills are debated and discussed in the public square by publishing the text online for at least three days before coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives.” They Lied.

At a Time of Budget Shortfalls and a $17 Trillion+ Deficit, Is It Time to Privatize Federal Land?

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Natl Park ServiceNatl Park Service Closed Due to Govt Slimdown
Image: KenLeland@Twitter

This morning while watching the House Oversight Hearing on Natural Resources Chaired by Rep Doc Hastings (R-WA) one heard lots of talk and speechifying by some Members’ that it seemed, wanted to appear that they had something important to say but the one question that wasn’t asked of Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the Natl Park Service, maybe was the most important that would have cut to the chase.

Why is it that we even have a National Park Service?

Now this may seem silly to ask but would seem to be vitally important given our nearly $17 Trillion national debt which has more than doubled during Obama’s Watch to $123,000 per working American worker.

The Natl Park Service founded in 1916 today manages some 400 parks and monuments in all 50 states and territories at a cost to taxpayers of more than $2.8 Billion at a time when we do not have the money to continue to fund this non-essential government service. Maybe it would be better today, given our economic budgetary shortfall, that federal land and monuments be left up to the individual states, private companies or charities (as the case may be) to manage and maintain?

Not only would this prevent future closures of our spectacular landmarks but would put an end to all of the silliness by future administration’s and the Park Service, from closing and erecting barricades that prevent Americans and foreign visitors from visiting our national historic treasures.

Related: Reforming Federal Land Management –CATO

AETNA CEO Bertolini: “So Much Wrong” With ObamaCare Exchange

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

ObamaCare Covered CaliforniaObamaCare Internal Service Error Two Weeks and Counting
Hugo Campos@Twitter

(CNBC ) AETNA Insurance CEO Mark Bertolini on Monday, gave a critical review of ObamaCare marketplace exchange saying, “There’s so much wrong, you just don’t know whats broken until you get a lot more of it fixed.”

Asked by CNBC  if he (Bertolini) knew that the roll out of ObamaCare would be problematic, AETNA CEO Bertolini added, his giant company’s role as an alpha tester for the system gave it a sense of how many problems ObamaCare faced on the eve of its launch.

“We were pretty nervous as we got further along,” said Bertolini, “As they started missing deadlines, we were pretty convinced it was going to be a difficult launch.”

Bertolini’s fears have been realized he said and the technological debacle seen at ObamaCare is one similar to just the handful he’s witnessed over the years.

 On the 29 May, I wrote here that AETNA Insurance, together with United Health Group and CIGNA have chosen to opt out of ‘Covered California’ the nation’s largest health insurance exchange–if ObamaCare is so wonderful, why would they do this?

What do they know that you don’t?

Related: Covered Calif Isn’t Accepting my Application -JackieG@Twitter

Covered California Still Doesn’t List Doctors & Hospitals

SF Chronicle: Working Less Can Get You Huge ObamaCare Subsidy

ObamaCare Website May Open Door to Hackers Leaving Users Vulnerable to Theft of Personal Data

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Covered California Website WarningSafari/Apple ‘Covered California’ Website Warning
Image: 11Gear@Twitter

(Christian Science Monitor) Cybersecurity experts are voicing concerns about the ObamaCare website system that could open the door to theft of personal information adding the government site lacks defenses to prevent an attacker from putting an invisible layer over the legitimate website–as a result, a user clicking on a link or button might end up at a renegade site that looks the same.

The ObamaCare site appears not to use a feature that prevents access to cookies that are stored on a users personal computer and basic problems with the ObamaCare site could invite cybercriminals to use automated systems to hack individual accounts according to researchers at TrustedSec in Strongsville, Ohio noted that there were no features to prevent an intruder from using an automated program to try repeatedly to enter the site even if it didn’t get a login try correct.

More here Is ObamaCare Website Secure? Probably Not –TrustedSec

Related: ObamaCare Website So Bad Error Page has an Error