Archive for the ‘U.S. Constitution’ Category

Wannabe King Obama to Assert Unilateral Agenda

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Imperial PresidentThe Man Who Would Rather Be King Obama –Image: Mulinus@Twiiter

(Zero Hedge) While the stats of the Union remain unremarkable at best it would appear despite the rancor in Washington and online President Obama will ‘get his way’ whatever it takes–emphasizing his intentions at the SOTU, to ‘go it alone’ according to The Wall Street Journal and use his unilateral presidential authority, bypassing Congress when he determines that it is necessary, to an extent not seen in his previous State of the Union lectures.

Why will Members of Congress even show up to listen to another one of Obama’s lectures to them?

So much for three co-equal branches of a limited federal government.

House Speaker John Boehner Says ‘We Have The Constitution’ Then Exercise It!

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Boehner Constitution

House Speaker John Boehner posts on his Facebook timeline on Wednesday:

“President Obama says he has a pen and a phone he can use to bypass Congress. Pens and phones are nice but we have the Constitution…”

So when will this Congress exercise its Constitutional duty pursuant to Article II Section 4 and put a stop to Obama?

Related: Can the President Rewrite Federal Law? –Andrew Napolitano

Supreme Ct Justice Sotomayor, Deals Another Setback to ObamaCare’s Contraception Mandate

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Contraception MandateObamaCare’s Contraception Mandate –Image: KIII-TV Corpus Christi

(Businessweek) The Obama Administration has been temporarily blocked by Associate Supreme Ct Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a two sentence Order, from forcing the Denver and Baltimore Chapters of the Little Sisters of the Poor to comply with ObamaCare’s Contraception Mandate, which was facing Millions of Dollars in fines for their refusal to comply with the controversial federal mandate in violation of their Constitutional Rights.

On the 29 September, I wrote here that the ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ an international congregation of Catholic Women, was founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan and is presently serving the poor in over 30 countries around the world but this may all come to an end in the United States if the Obama Administration which has demonstrated its hostility towards Christians gets their way.

Justice Sotomayor was nominated to the Supreme Ct by President Obama in 2009 to replace retiring Justice David Souter, Sotomayor gave the Obama Adminitration until Friday, 03 January to file a responsive pleading in the case.

The decision by Justice Sotomayor was not the only action taken by Federal Courts on the last day of 2013, there were also Orders issued by three separate Circuit Courts on Tuesday ahead of ObamaCare taking effect today.

More here from Religion Clause

Federal Judge: NSA Spying on Americans “Almost Orwellian” Almost Certainly Violates Constitution

Monday, December 16th, 2013

NSA SpyingNSA Spying on Americans –Image: Alex Jones@Twitter

(The BLT) The Natl Security Agency’s bulk collection of telephone records likely violates the privacy rights of  individual Americans, a federal judge in Washington, DC ruled today in the matter under the caption of Klayman, et al -v- Obama, et al Case No(s) 13-0851 and 13-0881

Describing the government’s intrusive actions “almost Orwellian” USDC Judge Richard Leon found the challengers in lawsuits filed in Washington, likely to succeed on their 4th Amendment privacy claims and may go forward.

In June I wrote here that Obama who claimed to be a former Constitutional Law Professor, attempting to defend the NSA spying on Americans said (in another one of his rambling answers) during an interview on PBS, “Occasionally there are going to be check-points (such as in Nazi Germany, I digress) they may be intrusive…It is transparent, that is why we set up the (secret) FISA Court.”

Related: How NSA Surveillance Threatens Americans Privacy –ACLU

Natl Reconnaissance Office New Logo Claims: Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach

(FOX News) The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office launched a new spy satellite last evening on ‘Mission NROL-39’ and the new tag line and logo are quite an eye opener.

“Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach.”

Isn’t that just a comforting thought, after all we’ve learned about the NSA spying on Americans together with the latest overreach by the TSA and Dept of Homeland Security recently announced practice changes.

When was the 4th Amendment repealed?

Related: What the Govt Could Do With All That Location Data –ACLU

CNN Piers Morgan: More Americans Signed Petition to Have Me Deported Than Enrolled in ObamaCare

Friday, November 15th, 2013

Piers Morgan Image--Libertarian GirlPiers Morgan Tweets About ObamaCare Disaster –Image: Libertarian Girl

(NewsBusters) Has President Obama now lost Piers Morgan?

Consider this Tweet the Liberal Lefty CNN host sent out on Wednesday saying:

“Considerably more Americans signed a petition to have me deported, than enrolled in ObamaCare. I’d start panicking Mr. President.”

For those who may have forgotten, on Christmas Eve 2012 Piers Morgan went on a rant about the bible and Christianity arguing that there needs to be “an amendment to the Bible” for Gay marriage because like the Constitution, the bible is inherently flawed.

Later in December disgraced former  Editor of The Daily Mirror Morgan continued his anti-2nd Amendment rants adding that unless its amended, he may voluntarily leave the United States for greener pastures elsewhere. Shoot he’s still here–I digress.

Last year an online petition at White was being circulated calling for Morgan’s deportation, it now has 109,334 signatures.

The combined enrollment in ObamaCare via the federal and state exchanges is 106,185


Now is the Time That All Americans Support Their Countrymen

Friday, November 8th, 2013

Jana WinterFOX News Reporter Jana Winter Faces Jail for Doing Her Job –FOX Nation

Full article here by Judith Miller@FOX News

Obama Brings Chilling Effect to Journalism

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Marxist Takeover of America

(Committee to Protect Journalists) President Obama came into office pledging an ‘open and transparent government’ but he’s fallen short of that promise.

Journalists and transparency activists say the Obama Administration curbs routine disclosure of information and deploys its own media to evade scrutiny by the press. Aggressive prosecution of leakers and ‘whistle-blowers’ of classified information, demonizing FOX News to investigating James Rosen including other reporters and broad electronic surveillance programs deter government sources from speaking to journalists.

Committee to Protect Journalists, has distributed a pattern of actions by the Obama Administration that have chilled the flow of information on issues of great public interest, including matters of national security.

The Obama Administration war on leaks to the press through the use of secret subpoena’s against news organizations, its assertion through prosecution that leaking classified documents to the press is espionage or aiding the enemy and their increased limitations on access to information that is in the public interest–all thwart a free and open discussion necessary to a democracy.

H/T: Obama Brings Chilling Effect on Journalism –AP

DOJ/ATF Attempts to Block Whistleblowing Agent’s ‘Fast & Furious’ Book Citing Agency Morale

Monday, October 7th, 2013

FascismDemocrat-Socialist/Progressives Want to Restrict First Amendment
Image: Last Great Stand/Twitter

(Washington Times) The U.S. Dept of Justice/Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) is blocking the main Wistleblower in the Fast & Furious scandal from publishing a book, claiming his retelling of the Mexico ‘gun running’ operation will hurt morale inside the embattled agency.

The ACLU announced they were becoming involved in the case today, protesting censorship and the denial of ATF Agent’s John Dodson’s First Amendment rights.

Feds Close Ocean & Priests Threatened With Arrest if They Celebrate Mass on Military Base During Govt Slimdown

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Obama Moses“Not only has Obama declared he has the power to control ‘the rose of the oceans’ he just declared he can close them.”
Rep Steve Stockman (R-TX)

(Miami Herald) Charter Boat Captains have received a message from the  National Park Service this week that they are now prohibited to take customers fishing in Florida Bay during Obama’s Government Slimdown.

Yesterday, the Archdiocese for Military Service reported there will be no Catholic Priest to Celebrate Mass Sunday during a government shutdown slimdown–it is now illegal for them to minister on base and they risk arrest if they attempt to do so.

When was the 1st Amendment repealed?