Archive for the ‘Russia’ Category

Obama Warns Russia Not to Invade Ukraine

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Obama Warns Russia Uh Oh...

(NY Times) This afternoon, Obama ‘warned’ the Ruskies not to intervene militarily in the Ukraine, saying that the United States would stand with the world to condemn a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Russia Invades UkraineSoon After Obama’s ‘Warning’ Russia Invades Ukraine
Jon Passantino@Twitter

“History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.” –President Ronald Reagan

Obama Administration Draws ‘Red Line’ Warning Russia Not to Invade Ukraine

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Obama Red LinesObama Administration ‘Red Lines’ –Cartoon: A.F. Branco

(AP) Today the Obama Administration drew another ‘Red Line’ in the sand regarding Russia’s military exercises just across the border from Ukraine which its President Valdimir Putin (who served 16 years in the KGB) ordered making their presence felt in the former Soviet republic.

The massive military build up of Russian troops, tanks, aircraft and navy ships prompted a stern rebuke by Secy of State John Kerry warning Russia against military intervention in the Ukraine.

Putin must surely be ‘quakin in his boots’ after receiving word that the Obama Administration considers any aggression by Russia in the Ukraine would be a “grave mistake.”

Just what would the Obama Administration do about it should Putin ignore the Obama Administration’s latest warning, which there is never any any consequences for?

Related: Russian Spy Ship Docked in Cuba Today –Yahoo News

Majority Americans Say Obama Not Respected Among World Leaders

Now Russia Also Rejects Obama’s Pleas to Extradite NSA Whistleblower Snowden

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Obama Putin G8 --Daily MailObama & Vladmir Putin at G-8 –Daily Mail

(AP) Obama lacking influence on the world stage, seen by many as a naive lightweight–in over his head, was unable to appeal to Beijing and now Russia, to extradite NSA Whisleblower Edward Snowden back to the United States.

Today Russian President Putin bluntly rejected Obama’s pleas concerning Snowden, instead saying that he’s is presently in the transit zone at the Moscow airport and is free to travel wherever he wants.

Related: Putin Says Snowden in Moscow-Signals No Extradition -Reuters

Russia’s Muslim Chechnya Republic: A Breeding Ground For Islamic Terrorism

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Russia's Chechna--A Breeding Ground For TerrorMap Courtesy of Breitbart–One Voice Silenced Millions Awakened

(USA Today) Predominantly Muslim Chechnya, the Russian Republic believed to be connected to the two Boston Marathon Bombers, has been the scene as a hot bed of terrorism and related violence since the 1991 break-up the the former Soviet Union–Islamic militants from Chechnya and other restive regions in Russia’s volatile North Caucasus, have targeted Moscow and other areas with bombings and hostage taking for more than 20 years.

The allegations of tie’s to Monday’s Boston Bombings are the first connection of terror attacks on the United States.

Related: Chechnya–Known as Cauldron of Islamic Militancy

Pravda: Obama Reelected by an “Illiterate Socirty”

Monday, November 26th, 2012

(Pravda) After Obama was elected to his first term as President, then Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in January, 2009 ignored by the western dinosaur media as usual, offering  helpful advice to help the world economy saying the world should avoid the Soviet mistake.

Subsequent to Obama’s reelection to a second term, even the former Soviet Union state media seen through the fog many Americans were unable, calling those who voted to reelect “Hoax-n-Chains” an “illiterate society” adding Obama,

‘…is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them, he gives speeches of peace–love (and joy)  in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria, he plans his next war with Iran as he fires or demotes his general’s who get in the way…he is Communist without question promoting the communist manifesto  without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America–his cult of personality  mesmerizes those who cannot get beyond their ignorance, they will continue to follow him like fools who still praise Lenin & Stalin–Obama’s fools and Stalin fools share the same drink of illusion.’

Senate Democrat-Socialist Majority Plan Weekend Session to Pass Spending bill with 6,000 Earmarks & Ratify START Treaty

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists plan to work (they use that word a little too carelessly) through the weekend to ratify the new “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty” (START Treaty) together with a Trillion Dollar Spending Bill to keep non-essential government employees on the job.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV hopes that his colleagues will consider a $1.108 Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending bill loaded with about 6,000 earmarks simultaneously with the START Treaty with the former Soviet regime.

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, D-MO Proposed $48 Billion Dollar Earmark

More here from The Hill

Related: Will Obama Break his No Earmark Pledge Again?

Earmark Hypocrisy at its Best –Open Congress

China & Russia Dump Dollar

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

China & Russia have decided to renounce the Dollar and resort to their own currencies for bilateral trade.

What more is going on with the Dollar that the Obama Administration doesn’t want Americans to know about? Why has the Dinosaur Media been silent on this subject?

More here from China Daily

Related: Thankful for Regulatory Reform –Big Government

Impact of China’s Switch on Foreign Investment Policy –Xinhua News Agency

Obama End This, Nuke The Damn Hole!

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

What happens when a man with no Executive Level experience becomes President?

Well, Obama sure knows how to organize forums, discussion groups and walking tour photo ops.

Obama has had 59 days to effectively stop the BP “Deepwater Horizon” leak and now two months in, it doesn’t seem that Mr. Obama, is any closer in stopping the oil disaster than he was on the 22 April

President Obama’s anti-nuke policy continues to jeopardize the national security interests of the United States and unless he is willing to change course, the representatives of the people have a duty, an obligation to protect the interests of the United States. Congress has authority to remove an ineffective Chief Executive, if the job is just too big for Barack Obama. When do Members of Congress become culpable if they fail in their constitutional obligations to remove an ineffective Chief Executive from office?

Using a nuclear explosion to plug the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico might sound like overkill but a Russian newspaper has reported that based on past Soviet successes the first being in 1966 in sealing up an underground gas well in Southern Uzbekistan and four additional times, maybe its time for Barack Obama to swallow his pride, admit failure and try a different approach that has been successfully used by the Russians.

Related Post: Solving the Gulf Oil Spill: Blow the Crap out of it by Michael Haltman

White House is silent as Russian Fascists Rally on Putin’s “National Unity Day”

Thursday, November 5th, 2009


Obama’s naivety on foreign policy and his grandiose ideals that we all just need to be nice and learn to get along
is resulting in a dangerous new climate between Russia and the world.

Despite Obama’s concessions to Russia on the missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, the former Soviet Union remains unhelpful on Iran US News & World Report, 26 October

Today in Russia, Fascists rally on Putin’s National Unity Day

Is Russia returning to it’s Cold War with the United States? Does Obama even recognize the eerily familiar
dangers we face?

Deja-vu! Russians Arming Cuba’s Military Via World Net Daily as Obama wants to close Guantanamo Bay,
U.S. Naval Base, Cuba

Russia “simulates” nuclear attack on American ally Poland Via Telegraph, UK

Russian Spy Chief warns of New Georgia War

Is Obama in over his head and can not tell the difference between a real crisis and his made-up ones?

Barack Obama’s latest new crisis facing America—Schools. Yesterday Obama outlined his plans for education reform his answer is of course spending even more taxpayers money. Were we not told that Global Warming was the greatest crisis facing the world, followed by his failed economic policies which has resulted near double digit unemployment, subsequently Obama claimed we have a health care crisis. Can Obama stick with one issue at a time, instead of acting like a little kid who goes from one thing to another?

Obama’s Foreign Policy: Dangerous Game of Appeasement Via Conservative Foundry

H/T: Xiao-Mei—Xiexie