Archive for September, 2013

Cartoonist Absolutely Nails Dinosaur Media Coverage of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Dinosaur Media Gun PhilosphyLamestream Media Gun Philosophy in a Nutshell –Bitter Clinger/Twitter

H/T: Twitchy

Walgreen’s Pharmacy 160,000 Employees Latest ObamaCare Casualty

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Companies Dropping Health Care BenefitsObamaCare Side Effects: Companies Dropping Health Insurance and Taxpayers Get the Bill –The Foundry/Heritage Foundation

(Forbes) Walgreen’s is joining 17 other large employers that have decided to give their 160,000 employees a subsidy to buy their own health insurance and dump them into the Aon Hewitt Corporate Health Exchange.

In August CNN Money reported that United Parcel Service announced that they would be discontinuing coverage for 15,000 spouses citing ObamaCare as the culprit, which mandates coverage of dependent children until the age of 26 and adds new government fees.

Yesterday I wrote here that Southern California based “Trader Joe’s” announced they will be dropping its company health care benefits for their part-time employees and instead will give them a $500 stipend to buy their own health insurance from ObamaCare/Covered California.

Southern California Based “Trader Joe’s” Dropping Health Insurance For Part Time Employees

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

ObamaCare Broken PromiseObamaCare Broken Promise –Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC)

(LAist) Southern California based Trader Joe’s has announced that they are dropping health insurance coverage for their part-time employees and instead will give them a $500 stipend to buy their own health insurance from ObamaCare/Covered California.

On the 09 September, I wrote here that IBM citing rising health care costs, plans to move about 110,000 of their retirees off its company sponsored health insurance plans and force them into ObamaCare exchanges.

Related: Duke Energy Dropping Retiree’s Health Care Coverage

Obama’s Watch: Median Income Down $2,627 Record 46,496,000 Poor

Happy 226th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Happy Constitution DayHappy Constitution Day –Tea Party Patriots

(Washington Post) Today is the 226th Anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution–that means its ‘Constitution Day’ Woo-Hoo!

Take a quiz here if you dare about our Constitution which was drafted and signed during the Constitutional Convention between the 14 May to the 17 September, 1787 and find out how much you know or don’t know–as the case may be, about the Constitution of the United States.

Related: Our Constitution is Not Irrelevant, Justice Ginsburg –Red State

ObamaCare Death Panel Begins First in California

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Someone Lives Someone Dies Welcome to ObamaCareSomeone Lives–Someone Dies…Welcome to ObamaCare

(Bloomberg) The latest bad news from ObamaCare comes to California–a state in which the Obama Administration has consistently pointed to as an important indicator of the federal takeover of 1/6 of the American economy as a success.

President Obama in June was in California claiming that his legislative achievement was already ‘pushing down costs’ for Consumers, unfortunately actuary analyses have recently revealed that because of ObamaCare individual health care premiums are headed anywhere but down in California.

The Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday, “Insurers in California’s new health insurance exchange are–limiting choices, raising concerns that patients will struggle to get care.”

The doctor can’t see you now.

Consumers may hear that a lot more often after getting health insurance under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

To hold down premiums, major insurers in California have sharply limited the number of doctors and hospitals available to patients in the state’s new health insurance market opening on the 01 October.

On the 22 July, I wrote here that Anthem Blue Cross has joined a growing list of other health insurance companies that will not participate in California’s small business and individual ObamaCare/Covered California Exchange.

Pope Francis: No Such Thing as Innocent Gossip

Monday, September 16th, 2013

GossipingGossiping –Image: Soda Head

(EWTN) Pope Francis spoke last week on the evils of gossiping, saying that ‘someone that speaks ill of his neighbor is a hypocrite that lacks courage to look to their own shortcomings.

Speaking during his homily at morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis focus on the fact that gossip has a “criminal” side to it, Vatican Radio reported.

Every time that one speaks ill of another, we imitate Cain’s homicidal gesture the Holy Father said. The seed of Pope Francis’ homily was Jesus thought provoking query: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Jesus speaks to us about the opposite of humility, Pope Francis observed, “…Of that hateful attitude towards one’s neighbor when one becomes a ‘judge’ of his brother.” In this context, Pope Francis pointed out, Jesus uses a strong word “hypocrite.”

“Those who live judging their neighbor, speaking ill of their neighbor, are hypocrites because they lack the strength and courage to look at their own shortcomings. The Lord does not waste many words on this concept. Further on He says He who has hated in his heart for his  brother is a murderer. In his first letter, John the Apostle also says it clearly: Anyone who has hated for his brother is a murderer, he walks in darkness, he who judges his brother walks in darkness.”

Thus, every time we judge one in our hearts or worse still, when we speak ill of them with others, we are Christian Murderers, Pope Francis said.

Full article here at EWTN/Global Catholic Network

Related: ‘No Such This as Innocent Gossip’ –Asia News

Reaganomics -v- Obamanomics

Monday, September 16th, 2013

Reaganomics -v- ObamanomicsReaganomics -v- Obamanomics –Image: Lana Wong

AFL-CIO & State Level Unions Growing Cold on ObamaCare

Friday, September 13th, 2013

AFL-CIO Growing Cold On ObamaCareEven Labor Unions Going Cold on ObamaCare –NRCC/Twitter

(FOX News) President Obama meets with labor union leaders today in an attempt to quell their opposition to ObamaCare as Republicans warn that the Obama Administration may offer (another) sweetheart deal to give their workers extra healthcare subsidies.

Obama has done it before…

Flashback: Remember in July when Democrats that rammed ObamaCare down the throats of Americans, sought an exemption for themselves of the unpopular health care law.

Related: Nevada AFL-CIO Calls on Congress & Obama to Fix ACA

Heritage Foundation: A Real Vote to Defund ObamaCare

Friday, September 13th, 2013

ObamaCare May Be Dangerous to Your HealthObamaCare May Be Hazardous to Your Health

(Heritage Foundation)  One of the disillusioning facts about Washington is that Congress can vote on something and that vote won’t mean a thing.

It would seem that a Congressional vote should be a meaningful occasion, with Members weighing the cost and benefits of voting for the particular measure at hand. Unfortunately, political gamesmanship often leads them to create voting opportunities that have no real impact but will allow them to tell their Constituents:”I voted for this” or “I voted against that.”

The House of Representatives was heading in that direction–considering a proposal that purported to ‘Defund ObamaCare’ but would not actually achieve that goal. That is what voters have come to expect from Capitol Hill and why Congress has such a low standing with the American people.

Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint called for an end to these “pretend votes” and gimmicks.

We don’t need empty show votes to pull the wool over the American peoples eyes we need our elected representatives to fight for the American people.

Thankfully there are other alternatives to defund ObamaCare and fund the government, including a proposal introduced on Thursday by Rep Tom Graves (R-GA) and 42 of his colleagues, that will force lawmakers to have a real debate and make the tough choices when they vote–so their votes will mean something.

We’re just 17 days out before the ObamaCare Exchanges are to open, we’ll soon see how well that goes?

If one needed proof that ObamaCare isn’t working Americans have to look no further than President Obama himself as The Washington Times reported this week.

“President Obama has already signed 14 laws that amend, rescind or otherwise change parts of his health care law and he’s taken 5 independent steps to delay the Affordable Care Act on his own.”

Public support of ObamaCare has dropped below 40% its unfair, unworkable and unaffordable. One may lose their current insurance coverage, see their hours cut back and end up with bureaucrats coming between you and your physician.

Congress should take its responsibility seriously and defund ObamaCare now.

Taliban Launches Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Afghanistan Leaving 3 Dead, 17 Wounded

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Obama Negotiating With TalibanObama Negotiating With The Taliban –John Sykes/Twitter

(NY Daily News) Taliban Jihadists staged a suicide car bombing and then engaged in a gun fight with security forces outside the American Consulate in the western Afghan City of Herat early Friday.

Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility on behalf of the Islamic Jihadist organization and is reported to have said according to Australian Broadcasting Corp in a statement emailed to reporters, “Our aim for this attack is to show the Americans that they are not safe anywhere in this country.”

The Obama Administration has yet to say if this assault on the U.S. Consulate in Afghanistan was another spontaneous attack as result of a second YouTube video or not?

On the 7 August, 2011 I wrote here that subsequent to the death of Osama bin-Laden, President Obama told the nation that he is willing to negotiate a peace treaty with the Taliban the same group in Afghanistan responsible for shooting down a Chinook helicopter which claimed the lives of 31 American Special Forces soldiers in early August, 2011 and that harbored Al-Qaeda terrorist thugs in the years leading up to 9/11

H/T: Constantine Soriao