Archive for August, 2013

U.S. Now ‘Cuts & Runs’ From Pakistan Following New Threat by Islamic Jihadists

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Al-Qaeda On The Run --Conservative Political Cartoons Daily

(Ynet News) The U.S. State Dept warned Americans on Thursday not to travel to Pakistan and ordered ‘non-essential’ govt employees to leave the Consulate in  Lahore because of a specific threat to the diplomatic mission.

One quick question immediately comes to mind: Why is it that the United States has ‘non-essential’ govt employees on the govt payroll? I digress.

Speaking on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this week President Obama said that the United States was not ‘overreacting’ by evacuating Embassies in Islamic countries adding, “Its a reminder of all of the progress we’ve made…this radical, violent extremism is still out there.”


Flashback: Remember on the 11 January when President Obama claimed “We have achieved our central goal…to decapitate Al-Qaeda, to dismantle them to make sure they can’t attack us again.”

Riiight…Now Al-Qaeda has Obama on the run. So much for his reset with the Muslim community. How’s that working out for you Mr President?

Related:  Al-Qaeda Drives Iraq Towards Chaos –Washington Times

Did You Know? NSA Declassified Map Declares Canada & Mexico as Part Of U.S. Homeland

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Declassified MapSen Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Refers to Canada and Mexico as  Part of “The Homeland” at Senate NSA Hearing –Image: Before Its News

H/T: Lana Wong

Public School Advocate Matt Damon Claims Has No Choice But to Send His Children to Private School

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Matt Damon School Choice

(Reason) Matt Damon is moving to Los Angeles, when he arrives, he’ll be sending his own children to private school–no biggie??? 

In 2011, Damon took on FOX News reporter Michelle Fields over public school teachers, claiming that he was a strong advocate for the public school system.

Hypocrite: Fast forward two years and Damon tells The Guardian that he didn’t have a choice about educational options because public schools are not ‘progressive’ enough.

Michelle Fields reacted on FOX News/Hannity on Wednesday saying, “Actually yes, he (Matt Damon) did have a choice. The people who don’t have a choice are the rest of Americans who don’t have Matt Damon’s bank account and can’t afford to send them (their children) to private school.”

Damon has been critical of various aspects on modern public schooling, including the focus on testing and quantitative measures of success but has been vehemently opposed to alternative providers (especially those capitalists  that dare to make a profit) saying that he’ll continue to cheer public education—for other peoples children.

Related: Academic Performance in California and L.A. County Drops

$10,000 Reward for the Arrest of the Racist Scumbag that Vandalized Jackie Robinson’s Statue

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Jackie Robinson$10,000 Reward for Information Leading to the Arrest of the Scumbag that Defaced Jackie Robinson’s Statue with Swastika’s & Racist Slurs
Image: NY Daily News/Twitter

(LA Daily News) New York City Police are investigating as a hate crime, the vandalism on a statue of Jackie Robinson and teammate Pee Wee Reese, outside of MCU Park, home of the Brooklyn Cyclones.

A manager at MCU Park noticed the vandalism yesterday–the words “Heil Hitler” an expletive and racial epithets were scrawled on the statue with a black marker, workers have since covered up the vandalism.

Obama on NBC ‘The Tonight Show’ With Jay Leno, Had the President Fessed Up…

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Obama On The Tonight ShowObama on the “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno –Charley Canucky/Twitter

(Politico) During President Obama’s interview with Jay Leno on Tuesday, Obama claimed, “The unemployment rate has been ticking down and housing is improving. We’ve seen the deficit cut in half…So there are a lot of good trends.”


On the 02 August I wrote here that just 953,000 jobs have been created in 2013 of those 731,000 are part-time–Likewise personal income has dropped 5.3% during the first quarter of this year–Is this what President Obama touting as a great success of his economic policies?

What about record poverty levels, Hispanic unemployment rate of 9% and youth unemployment over 16% which President Obama conveniently failed to address again when cheering what he sees as “good trends” during his watch.

One in every 324 of all U.S. housing units received a foreclosure filing in the 2nd Qtr 2013 according to Business Insider and in California lenders filed 25,747 notices of default between April and June which was up 38.7% from the previous quarter–just a couple of facts that must have just slipped Obama’s mind?

As for the federal budget deficit which President Obama claims has been cut in half, once again the facts just don’t resemble what the president says.

Before the financial panic of 2008 Hot Air points out, the federal govt was spending about $1 Trillion less–about $2.7 Trillion annually.

Doubling The Debt

During Obama’s Watch, federal debt has doubled according to the Office of Management & Budget which reports that President Obama will become the first president ever to break the $4 Trillion spending level in a single year and debt held by the public as a share of the economy will continue to climb to what the Obama Administration forecasts in 2014 will hit 78.2% of GDP despite the superfluous claims made yesterday during President Obama’s 6th appearance on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno.

Martha’s Vineyard Vitriol Ahead of “The Obama’s” Arrival

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

We're Going Broke...We’re Going Broke…The Obama’s Taking Another Vacation
The Tea Party/Twitter

(Weekly Standard) Some of the local newspapers on Martha’s Vineyard report that island goers “can expect extraordinary and lengthy detours after President Obama and his family arrive on Saturday.”

One commentator responds: ‘Obama really needs to find another place to go, he treats people here terribly.’

Related: Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard Vacation at $7.6 Million Resort

Obama Foreign Policy

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Obama Embassy ClosuresObama Foreign Policy

H/T: Katie Pavlich/

George Bush’s Heart Surgery Brings Out Death Wishes & Nastygrams

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Twitter Lynch Mob(Twitchy) “Die B*tch!” President George Bush’s Heart Surgery Brings Out the Worst of Liberals:

“People root for the Death of George W. Bush; Unhappy he’ll recover.” –Cameron Gray/Twitter

“G-D damn it! What surgeon placed the stint on G.W. Bush?
Cant he just die already?” –Janine Radu/Twitter

“George Bush abt to kick the can? F*ck him. Peace out nigga.”
Madam Ling/Twitter

Obama on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno Today as L.A. Motorists Brace for Obamajam

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Jay Leno on BenghaziJay Leno on Benghazi –Tracy Chambers/Twitter

(White House Dossier) President Obama continues to say nothing to a jittery nation about what some who have been briefed on the potential Islam Jihad Terrorist attacks on the United States, declining to either offer reassurance or an explanation of the perils the nation faces.

Certainly President Obama doesn’t want to take questions about the threat he had minimized during the 2012 campaign when he claimed “Al-Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin-Laden is dead.

Incredibly, the first question President Obama may take on the situation may come from “The Tonight Show’s” Jay Leno where he’s scheduled to appear this afternoon at 4:30 pm–earlier today, Obama’s in Phoenix for yet another campaign-style appearance at Desert Vista High School to pitch mortgage reform during his latest stop of his so called economic tour.

In related news, Los Angeles drivers are bracing for ‘Obamajam’ today as Obama Heads to Burbank this afternoon–Air Force One is scheduled to land at LAX at 3:30 pm for Obama’s latest trip to California, which is very expensive to taxpayers.

It costs $179,750 to operate Air Force One per hour which excludes additional aircraft and labor costs associated with each presidential trip but its not Obama’s money.

How many weeks worth of  White Hours tours could be funded if President Obama just stayed home and did his appearance with Jay Leno from the Oval Office?

Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison: “There’s Plenty of Money, The Govt Just Doesn’t Have It”

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Tax And Spend

(CNS News) Minnesota Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison, speaking to a group of fellow Democrat/Socialists at the ‘Progressive Democrats of America’ roundtable on the 25 July according to Red Alert Politics made the startling announcement that the federal government isn’t as bad off as it may seem.

“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it–the government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States–Health, Welfare and Housing…all these things.”

On the 25 July, I wrote here that Pro-Golfer Phil Mickelson from California, walked away with $21.6 Million in just two weeks after winning both the ‘British Open Championship & Scottish Open’ but after paying all of the taxes owed on his winnings which included the new ObamaCare Medicare Surtax and handed over 13.3% to the State of California, Forbes estimated that Mickelson would have left $842,700 which doesn’t include any tax deductible travel expenses and the additional 10% he owes his Caddy.

Where does the government ‘get the right’ to confiscate more and more of the American peoples wealth?

When is enough, enough?