Archive for December, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI Childhood Letter to Baby Jesus Reveals his Faith & Devotion

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Seven Yr Old Joseph RatzingerSeven Year Old Joseph Ratzinger –First Things

(CNA) A recently unearthed letter from 7 year old Joseph Ratzinger to Baby Jesus, reveals the future Pope Benedict XVI devotion to the Sacred Heart and his desire to be a priest one day when he grew up.

Dear Baby Jesus: Quickly come down to earth. You will bring joy to children. Also bring me joy. I would like Volks-Schott, green clothing for Mass and a heart of Jesus. I will always be good.

Greetings from Joseph Ratzinger

More here from Catholic News Agency

Ranking Democrat Rep Eliot Engle: I Would Not Appoint Chuck Hagel Defense Secy

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Chuck Hagel(FOX Nation) Rep Eliot Engle, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee has big problems with Barack Hussein Obama’s  potential nomination of Chuck Hagel to be the next Secy of Defense, accusing him of being hostile towards Israel.

In an interview Friday taped for C-Span’s ‘Newsmakers’ conducted jointly the “The Cable and Politico” Engle said that Hagel’s record on Israel and Iran makes him a poor choice to lead the military. In particular, Engle said that he was offended by Hagel’s reference to “the Jewish lobby” in an interview with former official Aaron David Miller.

More here from the Weekly Standard

House Conservative Republicans Circulate Plan to Oust Speaker John Boehner

Friday, December 21st, 2012

John Boehner --Common Sense ClubHouse Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) –Common Sense Club

(Breitbart) Several Conservative House Republican members are contemplating a plan to finally unseat RINO John Boehner from his position on the 03 January–Staffers have compiled a detailed action plan that if executed, could make this a reality.

On the  04 December, I wrote here that Boehner had come under fire recently for ousting Conservatives from key committee assignments for their refusal to get in step with the House Speaker and support tax increase on Americans.

Related: Boehner Declined to Attend Tea Party Anti-Tax Increase Event

NRA President Proposes Cop’s In Schools, Where in the Constitution Does It Allow This?

Friday, December 21st, 2012

NRA President--The BlacksphereNRA President LaPierre Proposes Cop’s in Schools -The Blacksphere

(Tea Party/Breitbart) After a week of silence, NRA President Wayne LaPierre, made his first public statement since the Sandy Hook Massacre, proposing having a federally funded police officer in every public school.

Where exactly in the Constitution does it allow for the federal authority to fund local and state police and pay for Cop’s in schools?

While we’re asking, where in the Constitution does it provide for federally funded public indoctrination centers?

Remembering the Victims of Pan Am 103

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Pan Am 103 Memorial CarinPan Am 103 Memorial Carin, Arlington Natl Cemetery

Remembering, Never Forgetting Andrea V. Rosenthal and the 269 Victims of Pan Am 103—24 Years Later. May God Have Mercy.

We The People Fight Tyranny

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Fighting Tyranny --Patriotic MomsFighting Tyranny –Patriotic Moms

The following article is not exactly light reading but it clearly shows the historical correlation between restricting gun rights in various countries and the genocides that followed.

The 2nd Amendment was not and never has been about hunting–it is about our God given responsibility to preserve liberty for ourselves and for our children.

Although, we also grieve over the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut we can not trade liberty for a false sense of security. It seems clear…that this very sad event will be used to usurp our rights–not because the statist in government “care” about the children, they do care, however by using the goodness of our hearts, manipulating our suffering and our demands for unattainable justice to seize control, which control they can not have until they have unarmed the citizenry.

Courtesy of: We The People Fight Tyranny Game

H/T: Patriotic Moms@Facebook

Obama “Fast & Furious” Weapon Kills Mexican Beauty Queen; Now They Come After Our Guns

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Mexican Beauty Queen Murdered by Fast-N-Furious GunMaria Susana Flores Gomez Murdered by Fast & Furious Gun –Inquisitr

(Daily Caller) Another weapon sent to Mexico under the Obama Administration’s “Fast & Furious” gun running program, resulted in the death of Maria Susana Flores Gomez, killed in a shootout as she was likely being held as a human shield.

Now the same liberals of the Obama Administration responsible in part for Gomez’s death, are going to lecture us about guns in the U.S. and force law abiding Americans, to give up their right to defend themselves.

Related: Krauthammer: Obama Invoking Massacre to Push Agenda

Barack Hussein Obama, Time Magazine Person Of The Year: Res Ipsa Loquitur

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Obama Yime Person of the YearRes Ipsa Loquitur –Image: Things Liberals Hate

Obama’s Watch: Fitch Ratings Warns U.S. of Imminent Credit Rating Downgrade

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Collapse of the Dollar --The Veritas ReportThe Collapse of the Dollar –AgoraFinancial/The Veritas Report

(Christian Science Monitor) Fitch Ratings, a leading credit rating agency warned today, that the U.S. is likely to lose its top-notch credit rating if lawmakers and President Obama, cannot agree to a solution that prevents the economy from going over the “fiscal cliff”  in 13 days.

On the 05 August, 2011 I wrote here that Standard & Poors announced that they cut the U.S. credit rating for the first time in history from AAA to AA+ because the so called deficit reduction plan passed by Congress did not go nearly far enough to stabilize the nation’s debt situation which now exceeds $16.3 Trillion and growing by $4.8 Billion per day.

TSA Nimrods Detain 12 Yr Old Disabled Girl At D/FW After Mistaking Explosives On Her Hands

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

TSA Detains 12 Yr Old at DFW 12 Yr Old Shelbi Walser Sobbing After Being Detained by TSA –Daily Mail

(Radar Online) TSA wannabe super sleuths left a 12 year old wheelchair bound girl sobbing after being detained for nearly 1 hour at D/FW Airport Texas after they erroneously believed that they discovered explosive residue on her hands.

Shelbi Walser, was traveling to Florida with her Mother to seek treatment for a brittle bone disorder when TSA Nimrod’s detained her.

With little evidence that the disabled girl was the next generation of a great terrorist mastermind, Shelbi’s Mother revealed the mystery substance that TSA believed to be an explosive residue may have only been dust and street grime from her wheelchair as she pushed it.

Related: The TSA Apologizes –Not –Lew Rockwell