Covered California Desperation: If ObamaCare Is So Good, Why Are You Wasting Taxpayers Money on Stupid Marketing Campaigns?

Your Tax Dollars At WorkThis is the Face of ‘Covered California’ Your Tax Dollars at Work
Image: ConcernedOne@Twitter

(Red Alert Politics) I’m either on drugs or ‘Covered California’ and the Obama Administration is just helplessly stupid to believe that it’s “Get Covered Campaign” which hijacked public access television and online for more than 6 hours The Blaze reported starting on Thursday afternoon (when many American taxpayers were at work to pay for this stupidity–I digress) would somehow entice young Americans to purchase ObamaCare.

On the 09 January, I wrote here if ‘Covered California’ is so good why do they continue to waste money on stupid ads (wouldn’t ObamaCare sell itself) especially after forecasting a $78 Million deficit beginning next year?

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