Does Obama Want To Create Permanent Dependency?

U.S. Unemployment is nearly 10%—President Obama’s offshore drilling ban will cost approximately $2.1 Billion Dollars in economic loss to Gulf Oil States during the first 6 months, a loss of 8,000 jobs and $500 Million in lost wages.

It’s estimated that Obama’s Offshore Drilling Moratorium will result in a loss of 12,000+ plus jobs nationwide, not only on oil rigs but related industries.

President Obama blames Republican’s for not extending jobless benefits all the while Democrat-Socialists control Congress and have reassured Americans that Obama’s Stimulus has kicked the economy into high gear creating 3.6 million jobs if all of this is true, why with such a robust recovery is it necessary to extend unemployment benefits again?

Americans of course know when they’re being lied to and realize that the economy is not producing jobs that the Obama Administration have championed. Unemployment is near double digits, consumer confidence has fallen to an 11 month low as the U.S. Economy is falling towards another credit collapse and the federal budget deficit continues to skyrocket during Obama’s watch.

Does Barack Obama, want to create permanent dependency on government in order for Americans to feel beholden to Democrat-Socialists, to ensure voter turnout them?

Free Market Capitalism is the engine that drives the U.S. Economy creating jobs and wealth potential, while government stifles economic prosperity by regulation, taxes and spending money other peoples money (redistributing income) resulting in permanent dependency on government.

President Obama makes poverty permanent creating an eternal class of the poor, from which there can be no relief—pioneering a perpetual source of grief.

Related Post: Obama creates more crisis to manipulate and control–Canada Free Press

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