Obama’s Louisiana Inspection Tour Photo-Op

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel said subsequent to the 2008 Presidential Elections, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste and what I mean by that, is an opportunity to do things, that you didn’t think you could do before.”

More than a week following the BP Oil Drilling Platform fire, Obama Advisers claimed to have planned a trip down to Louisiana “to inspect”  the situation in the Gulf in order to get a better handle on the spill? What took Obama so long if the trip really was for what they claimed?

Subsequent to touring the Gulf area, Obama positions himself in front of a Coast Guard vessel to hold a press conference saying that the oil spill has the potential of being an unprecedented environmental disaster.

Perception is Reality: An Obama White House Dream—Another opportunity for Democrat-Socialist to demonize “Big Oil” while vowing to get to the bottom of this—The Congressional Majority schedules hearings before anyone knows much of anything about what really happened. Congressional Democrat-Socialists want to be perceived as doing something, anything during an anticipated tough election for them this year.

P.R. Gamesmanship: Obama Administration now says there will be no new domestic offshore drilling until the investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is complete. When will the investigation(s) end? Likely not for years to come.

Grandstanding: While Obama placates the Environmentalists Nimrod’s, China will continue to drill for oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico and is not the least bit concerned about Loony Liberal Lefties that will fight U.S. companies ability to ever construct a new oil platform and drill for oil.

Who will pay for the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill? White House Jokester Robert Gibbs said, “BP will pay the full cost of the spill.”

Riiight—Reality Check: The American Consumer will foot the bill in the form of higher prices.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cristy Li. Cristy Li said: Obama's Louisiana Inspection Tour Photo-Op http://www.cristyli.com/?p=7819 […]

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