Obama Administration Halts 3-D Gun Production, Demands Removal Of All Online Blueprints

Fascist Book BurningsWhat Would Happen in America Today?

(Zero Hedge) Seven days ago, an article in Forbes, looked at the convergence of 3-D printing together with the First & Second Amendments and ‘The Liberator” was presented, courtesy of its 25 yr old creator, online blueprint and assembly instructions, which ‘liberated’ anyone to be able to download and print a gun with no serial number–completely circumventing all regulators and gun control laws–well that was until the strong arm of the federal govt decided to step in and it didn’t take the Obama Administration long.

A week after  the 3-D Gun Blueprints were posted, the State Dept has demanded that the 3-D blueprints be taken down, eerily familiar to what happened in fascist’s Nazi Germany, that took unacceptable publications ceremoniously out of circulation and burned them, seeking to censor what persons may read which the central government didn’t agree with.

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