ISIS Threatens New Holocaust, Now What’s Obama Going to Do, Whisper More Sweet Nothings?

ISIS Threatens Holocaust(Gateway Pundit) ISIS Threaten New Holocaust Against the Jews as Predicted in Hadith –Image: ISIS@Twitter

ISIS RecruitsISIS New Child Recruits –Images: Kassamally@Twitter

ISIS New Recruits

Flashback: Obama told us some 30+ times that Al-Qaeda was “on the path to defeat” and that was after the Benghazi Terrorist attack which claimed the lives of  U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American Heroes on the 11 September, 2012

Of course who can forget this now infamous Obama lie: “…The war in Iraq is over—Al-Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin-Laden is dead.”

What assurances do Americans (and our allies) have that the White House foreign policy follies won’t be a continual failure during the remainder of Obama’s term?

On Saturday, I wrote here that ISIS Chief Terrorist Thug Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in his Ramadan message threatened to conquer Christian Rome and the World.

Now what’s Obama going to do? Does he have more ‘sweet nothings’ to whisper to the Islamic Terrorists, thinking that he’ll be able to say just the right words this time, for peace, love and utopia to overtake the world and everyone will just be nice?

Related: Why Obama Ignored Iraq –Front Page

ISIS Jihadists Mock Obama in Video: Did You Prepare Enough Diapers

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