Lies, Damned Lies: Obama Claims Health Ins Will Be “Significantly Cheaper” Under ObamaCare

ObamaCare Premiums On The RiseObamaCare Premiums on the Rise –Image: Rep Trey Radel/Twitter

(Weekly Standard) At today’s White House Press Conference, President Obama claimed that health insurance plans offered under ObamaCare will be ‘significantly cheaper’ than plans currently on the market but a string of recent reports says that just isn’t true.

“What happens on October 1, in 53 days, is for the remaining 15 percent of the population that doesn’t have health insurance, they’re going to be able to go to a website or call up a call center and sign up for affordable, quality health insurance at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can get now on the individual market,” Obama said.

Not true, as CNN reported this week, rates will be 35% higher in Florida and 41% higher in the State of Ohio on average under ObamaCare.

In California, major health insurers such as Anthem Blue Cross and a growing list of companies are exiting the state’s health insurance exchange where health insurance rates are forecast to to increase by as much as 146% and to keep premiums from rising even higher insurers will be limiting access to doctors and hospitals some facts which President Obama conveniently left out of today’s lecture.

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported that insurance companies “have already warned small business customers that premiums could rise 20% or more under the affordable unaffordable  care act.”

Related: ObamaCare Levies New Fines for Charitable Hospitals

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