Dr. Obama, Swamp Root Snake Oil

Obama Snake Oil Salesman

Tough break for “The Anointed One” just when he was merrily rolling along, peddling his socialized stalthcare as it were the most potent elixir since Violet Blossoms’s Swamp Root Snake Oil, alomg comes the NY Times with a decidedly sordid tale about government medicine gone awry.

Since ABC (Always Barack Channel) wasn’t about to interrupt its infomercial to reveal the full facts of the matter, lets take a quick look beyond the Barack-a-Thon.

Those who can’t wait to turn their life and limbs over to Big Government’s pseudo-sawbones, need to first pay a visit to the government run Veterans Administration hospital in Philadelphia, PA but first a word of warning: If your a guy, leave the family jewels at home bevause if you think the Liberty Bell is in irreparable damage…well, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Rest here from Get Liberty.org

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