Democrats Begin to Freak Over ObamaCare Chaos

ObamaCare ChaosObamaCare Chaos –Patriot Update

(The Hill)  Delays in implementation of the so-called “popular” pieces of ObamaCare are hurting Democrats.

Ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections in which Republicans promise to make health care an issue again, Democrats are criticizing the Obama Administration for delaying policies that could maybe build support for the unpopular law.

Democrats this week are complaining about a 1 year delay in a key program allegedly said to help small businesses–a central selling point of ObamaCare that now will not be in place when voters go to the polls next year. Democrats are likewise complaining about other aspects of the law (which had they read the bill before final passage) 33 Democrats cast a non-binding vote last month to repeal ObamaCare’s Tax on medical devices, saying now that its a threat to innovation and will raise costs to consumers.

On the 14 February, I wrote here according to a new survey of major health insurers, representing the vast majority of covered individuals in the United States finds that cost of health insurance premiums for the relatively young and healthy in both small and large markets will increase by 169% next year–ahead of the Congressional elections.

Related: Doctors Driven to Bankruptcy –CNN Money

H/T: Drudge

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