Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Anselm, Benedictine Monk, Archbishop of Centerbury – Please Pray For Us!

Saint Anselm

Saint Anselm (1033-1109)
The Beauty and Mystery of Life & Faith

(EWTN) Born in Italy at Aosta in part of the Piedmont region, Anselm’s father provided little in the way of moral or religious influence to his son–Anslem’s mother on the other hand was a very devout Woman and chose to send Anselm to school run by the Benedictine Order.

Anselm felt a profound religious calling during those years, spurred in-part by a dream in which he met and conversed with God. — Anselm’s father forbid him to become a Monk, this disappointment was followed by a period of severe illness and the early death of his beloved mother.

Unable to join the Monks and tired of the mistreatment by his father, Anselm left home and wandered throughout parts of France and Italy for 3 yrs, his life regained direction in Normandy where he met the Benedictine Prior Lanfranc of Pavia (1005-1089) becoming his disciple/student.

Lanfranc recognized his his pupil Anselm intellectual gifts and encouraged his vocation into a religious life. Accepted into the Monastery of Bec in Normandy, according to Franciscan Media Anselm was Ordained a Priest at the age of 27 and succeeded his teacher Lanfranc in 1063 when he was called to become Abbot of a different monastery.

Considered to be an original and independent thinker, Fr. Anselm was admired for his patience, gentleness and teaching skills. Under his leadership, the Abbey of Bec became a monastic school, influential in philosophical and theological studies.

During these years at the community’s request, Fr. Anselm began writing and publishing his theological works, comparable to those of Saint Augustine (Feast Day: 28 Aug) Fr. Anselm best known work is: Cur Deus Homo (‘Why God Became Man’)

At the age of 60 Fr. Anselm reluctantly accepted the position of Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093 his appointment was initially opposed by King William Rufus but later accepted.

For a three year period Fr. Anselm’s insistence on self-government of the Church against the claims of the state to its administration and property, caused him to be exiled from England but Fr. Anselm was successful in his struggle and returned to his Diocese in 1106

In the remaining years of Fr. Anselm’s life, he worked to reform the Church and continued with his theological research–following the motto: ‘Faith Seeking Understanding.’

Fr. Anselm passed away on this date in 1109 in England Canterbury, he was Canonized in 1492 by Pope Alexander IV — In 1720 Saint Anselm was named ‘Doctor of the Church’ by Pope Clement XI

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