Today Christians Commemorate Saint Maximilian, Conscientious Objector & Martyr – Please Pray For Us!

Saint Maximillian

Saint Maximilian (274-295)
Image: Vidas Santas

(Franciscan Media) Maximilian the son of Fabius Victor, a Roman Army Veteran according to Rev Alban Butler (1711-1773) Lives of the Saints Vol IIIĀ  Maximilian was drafted into the military at the age of 21 but refused to swear allegiance to the Roman Emperor, serving in the military on the grounds of being a conscientious objector and was brought before Proconsul Dion, who advised him that he must serve or die.

Maximilian replied: “I will never serve. You can cut off my head but I will not be a soldier of this world for I am a soldier of Christ. My army is the Army of God and I cannot fight for this world, I tell you, I am a Christian.”

Proconsul Dion replied: “There are Christian soldiers serving our rulers…”

Maximilian though continued to refuse to serve and at the age of 21 offered his life to God in lieu of military service and was beheaded in Numidia, an ancient Roman empire city which is now present day Algeria.

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