Why is Obama Silent on Islamic Jihad Terrorist Attacks of Christians in Egypt & Libya?

Islam Intolerant Terrorist Religion

As Barack Hussein Obama wants to turn tail and appease Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs that have declared war on the United States, Israel and the West, those so called misunderstood Muslims attacked two churches in Egypt with molotov cocktails, guns and knives, while in Benghazi, Libya a bomb exploded in front of the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception less than a week before Obama delivered his conciliatory address to Muslims, at the U.S. Defense Dept Natl Defense Univ in Washington, D.C.

Naively undisciplined to prosecute the War on Islamic Terrorism even after more than 4 years as Commander-in-Chief, President Obama seems to believe that he may announce an end to hostilities with Islamic Jihadists.

As relatively recent history should have taught Obama, when attacked by an adversary as Japan did on the 07 December, 1941 at Pearl Harbor or Muslim Jihadists did on 9/11 that want an Islamic caliphate, the war ends when our enemies abandon their fight, not when President Obama believes that he can ‘declare’ victory.

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