National Debt in Excess of Debt Limit

Obama Grades Himself

While President Obama may believe that he deserves a B+ for his first year in office and an A- should Democrat Socialists in Congress send him legislation which nationalizes health care, continued unrestrained federal spending is bankrupting our country. Obama deserves nothing but a failing grade for his handling of the economy during his first year as President.

ObamaCare is projected to cost taxpayers by some estimates $2.5 Trillion Dollars adding to a ballooning budget deficit.

Today the Treasury Department announced that the national debt now exceeds the national debt limit, last raised by Congress in February to fund Obama’s failed Economic Stimulus.

On the 07 December, I wrote here that Obama’s Redistribution of Wealth have cost the taxpayers $246,436.00 per created job,  definitely not a very good expenditure of taxpayers money.

In August, most American wanted unused Stimulus Money returned to the Treasury but Democrat-Socialists in Congress, who are spending money like a drunken sailor, have chosen to ignore their constituents.

Remember when Candidate Obama, promised us that he would Restore Fiscal Discipline if elected President.

Riiight—Obama Lied

Update: Democrat-Socialists in House Vote to Raise Debt Limit by $290 Billion Dollars

If Obama’s plan to rescue the economy is working so well, why did the House Pass a New Jobs Bill?

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