China Regime Xi Jinping & Obama This Week “California Dreaming” to Different Agendas

Xi JinpingChina Regime Dictator Xi Jinping –Cartoon: Toonpool

(Washington Post) The last time China Regime’s newest dictator Xi Jinping was in the United States, President Obama threw the rabid anti-American with a lavish White House party, sparing no expense with the taxpayers money.

This week Xi and Obama are “California Dreaming” to different agendas: Obama hopes to build a rapport and personal ties with the Chinese Communist Party Dictator while Xi, envisions to find nirvana, the ‘China regime’s dream’ of economic progress and prosperity by state controlled central planners, all the while continuing a campaign of oppression and human rights violations, which the dinosaur media conveniently ignores.

Related: Tiananmen Mothers Criticize Xi for Lack of Reforms –Reuters

Hope Fades as Despair Draws Near–Essay by Tiananmen Mothers–HRIC

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