China Adoption Scandal Sending Chills Through American Families–Questions Without Answers

Reunited abducted Chinese child (center left) who had been missing for three years is surrounded by family members in Shenzhen in February

The latest in a slow trickle of reports describing child abductions and trafficking in China, swept through the tight community of families–many of them in the New York area who have adopted children from China. For some families, it raised a nightmarish question, ‘What if my child had been taken forcibly from her parents?

On the 13 May, I wrote here that family planning officials in Central China, were under investigation for abducting and trafficking in babies born in violation of China’s outrageous ‘One China Policy’ China Regime official state media reported.

From that question, others come tumbling out. What can or should adoptive parents do? Attempt to locate the birth Mother and if they could, what then?

More here from The NY Times

Related: China Adoption Scandal Exposed by Journalists –MSNBC

Police Use DNA to Find Circus Boy’s Identity –Shanghai Daily

H/T: Hao Hao Report

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