CCTV Yang Rui Goes On Anti-Foreigner Trash Rant

(Sky News) CCTV propaganda spokesman Yang Rui has defended himself on charges of racism after launching into a rant on “foreign trash” on his Sina Weibo site according to China Smack Yang stated,

“The Ministry of Public Security must clean out foreign garbage, arresting foreign thugs and protect ignorant/innocent Chinese girls…behead the snack heads, the unemployed Americans and Europeans who come to China to make money, trafficking in people, misleading the public and encouraging them to emigrate. Identify the foreign spies, who find Chinese Women to cohabitate with, while their job is to collect Intelligence drawing maps and perfecting GPS for Japan, Korea, Europe and America under the guise of being tourists. Drive our foreign shrew, shut down Al-Jazeera’s Beijing office, let those who demonize China, shut their mouths and f— off.”

During the last two years, Yang Rui posted on his Sina-Weibo account according to Shanghaiist

“The media and the republic go up and down together. The U.S. has done this to the extreme but Wall Street’s greed was not exposed because Jews control both the financial and media worlds. Why do the U.S. media not dare to support the call for the establishment of a Palestinian State? Its because they’re afraid of getting fired by their Jewish bosses. When I interviewed the Chairman of the US Jewish Association, I questioned him on this. He snarled at me ferociously  and said that in America, no one would dare to speak to him this way. He was like a Mafia Chief. So please stop saying how beautiful America press freedom is.”

“No matter how big the lie, repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth.” –President John F Kennedy

One Response to “CCTV Yang Rui Goes On Anti-Foreigner Trash Rant”

  1. […] of a three month crackdown  on foreigners without valid visas, CCTV Anchor Yang Rui, went on an anti-foreigner trash rant appearing to revel in China Regime recent decision to expel Al-Jazeera reporter Melissa Chan (that […]

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