Obama End This, Nuke The Damn Hole!

What happens when a man with no Executive Level experience becomes President?

Well, Obama sure knows how to organize forums, discussion groups and walking tour photo ops.

Obama has had 59 days to effectively stop the BP “Deepwater Horizon” leak and now two months in, it doesn’t seem that Mr. Obama, is any closer in stopping the oil disaster than he was on the 22 April

President Obama’s anti-nuke policy continues to jeopardize the national security interests of the United States and unless he is willing to change course, the representatives of the people have a duty, an obligation to protect the interests of the United States. Congress has authority to remove an ineffective Chief Executive, if the job is just too big for Barack Obama. When do Members of Congress become culpable if they fail in their constitutional obligations to remove an ineffective Chief Executive from office?

Using a nuclear explosion to plug the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico might sound like overkill but a Russian newspaper has reported that based on past Soviet successes the first being in 1966 in sealing up an underground gas well in Southern Uzbekistan and four additional times, maybe its time for Barack Obama to swallow his pride, admit failure and try a different approach that has been successfully used by the Russians.

Related Post: Solving the Gulf Oil Spill: Blow the Crap out of it by Michael Haltman

One Response to “Obama End This, Nuke The Damn Hole!”

  1. halthouse1 says:

    Great post Cristy. Unfortunately the American public got what they wanted when they elected this guy. Hope and Change unfortunately for the worse.

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