Ohio GOP Central Committee Gender Qualification Test

Today while reviewing my GOP Primary Absentee Ballot (I would prefer to be registered as an Independent) I noticed that the candidates for the Ohio GOP Central Committee are dividedĀ  between gender. Why is Gender a qualification to seek any elected office?

Americans believe that Women are more qualified to be political leaders according to an August 2008 Pew Research Center Social & Demographic Trends Survey when it comes to honesty, intelligence and a handful of other character traits.

Why is it right to even ask a voter to choose any candidate based upon gender?

Does this limit the best qualified persons from serving on the Ohio GOP Central Committee?

Why is it even necessary to have an equal number of Men & Women serving on the Ohio Republican Party Central Committee?

One Response to “Ohio GOP Central Committee Gender Qualification Test”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cristy Li. Cristy Li said: Ohio GOP Central Committee Gender Qualification Test http://www.cristyli.com/?p=7759 […]

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