Malden, Massachusetts Federally Funded Public Indoctrination Center Bans Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day(FOX News) There is nothing more special to a child on Valentines Day than being able to deliver to their friends and classmates cute little cards wishing one another “Happy Valentines Day” but left up to snooty loony liberal lefties, these days of joy, kindness and fun are somehow dangerous to a student’s well being and must be forbidden to protect the child from her/himself because public school indoctrination centers in their infinite wisdom seem to think they know whats better for a child’s well being than their parents.

Girls & Boys at Salemwood Elementary School in Malden, Massachusetts according to Malden Patch, have reportedly been banned from sharing Valentines Day cards and candy over “cultural and equality issues” and the strong arm of federal do-gooders guidelines regulating candy.

This didn’t sit well with at least one parent who wrote an anonymous letter to school administrators and the media this week saying, “I have a Son that attends Salemwood School, I have been made aware that there’s to be no celebrations of any kind at Salemwood because of its diversity. This includes birthdays and non-religious holidays such as Valentines Day–My Son is DEVASTATED! He loves giving cards to his friends…”

When was the First Amendment repealed?

It is well established, “…neither students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the school house gate….” See, Tinker-v-Des Moines School District 393 US 503

Accordingly, “In order for the state in the person of school officials to justify the prohibition of a particular expression of opinion, it must be able to ‘show that its action was caused by something more than a mere desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness…’ (emphasis added) that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint. Certainly, where there is no finding and no showing that engaging in the forbidden conduct would “materially and substantially interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school,” the prohibition cannot be sustained.” Burnside-v-Byars 363 F2d 744, 749 (5th Cir 1966) Tinker-v-Des Moines School Dist, Id

Parents and not overly excitable wannabe politically correct school officials, should be deciding whether or not they wish to have their children express themselves with Valentines, Birthday cards and well wishes. The taxpayers would be better served if public school districts would instead focus on their original mandate of teaching the “3 R’s” Reading, Writing & Arithmetic than the dumbing down even further of the nations school children to become nothing more than mindless, state confirming puppets, that don’t know how to think or behave for themselves.

Related: Holiday Observance in Public Schools –ACLJ

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