California Already With the Nations Highest Gas Taxes, Democrat Proposes New Road User Fee

California Gas TaxesCalifornia Gas Taxes Already Highest in the Country Now Democrat
Assembly Speaker Wants to Gouge Consumers Even More
Image: CA Political Review

(LA Times) California Democrat Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins proposed on Wednesday a new user fee tax, to confiscate an additional $1.8 Billion annually from Consumers called a ‘Road User Charge’ tacked on to residents insurance bills or registration fees to allegedly pay for roadway maintenance.

Flashback: Remember in 2014 when an audit of California’s books revealed in excess of $31 Billion in accounting irregularities–Now Democrats want even more money. When is enough, enough? Can Democrats insatiable appetite to seize other peoples money be ever satisfied?

California already ranked by 500 of the top CEO’s in the country as the worst state to do business mainly because of the state’s high taxes and oppressive regulatory regime, Democrats in Sacramento are not going to make it any easier to attract new companies, business development and opportunity, by taking even more money from Consumers already overly burdened by the highest personal income taxes and gas taxes in the country.

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