California Democrat Legislature Assault on the Second Amendment

California Socialist Republic --Reganite RepublicanCalifornia Socialist Republic –Reaganite Republican

(Cal Watchdog) Add infringement of the Second Amendment “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” to a severe anti-business climate as yet another reason families are exiting California.

The Democrat-Socialist/Progressive Super Majority in Sacramento, are advancing ten bills that will almost certainly pass and be signed into law by Gov Jerry Brown—Hypocritically, Gov Brown and the State Legislator are protected by armed State Troopers but you’re not as important to them (except during election time) to be able to defend yourself in your home against sexual predators, murderers and burglars.

Full article here from Cal Watchdog

Related: Sen Feinstein (D-CA) Introduces Legislation to Ban Guns

Hypocrite Sen Feinstein Confesses Concealed Weapon for her Protection

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