Obama Administration Scrubs HealthReform.gov of ‘Americans Can Keep Their Health Insurance’

Obama Promises Keep Health Ins(Daily Caller) The Obama Administration’s HealthReform.gov website promoting ObamaCare (above) has been scrubbed of the promises made:

During the health reform debate, President Obama made clear to Americans that, ‘if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.’ He emphasized there is nothing in the new law that would force them to change their plan or doctors. Today the Dept of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury issued a new regulation for health coverage in place on March 23, 2010 that makes good on that promise by:

  • Protecting the ability of individuals and businesses to keep their current plan;

On the last day of the ObamaCare enrollment period, uncovered records reveal the deleted website assured Americans they could keep their existing health plans. Thankfully the Internet’s “Way Back Machine” give us a shot of Healthreform.gov final big screaming homepage ‘Keeping the Health Plan You Have: The Affordable Care Act and “Grandfathered” Health Plans.’

Flashback: On the 12 November I posted here a screenshot of ‘Team Obama 2008’ promises that Americans would not have to change their healthcare plans and that ObamaCare will ‘save a typical family up to $2,500 on premiums…’ Yade, Yade, Yade–all of which we also now know turned out to be lies upon lies.

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