California Environmental Regulator has a Plan to Permanently Kill Jobs & Prosperity as We Know It

California RepublicCalifornia Exodus: Go East Young Man… -Image: Political News Now

(Bloomberg) Just ask California Air Resources Board Regulator Mary Nichols how to kill jobs and end prosperity in the ‘Golden State’ and she’ll tell you her plan: Ban the internal combustion engine from all roadways and force automakers to sell nothing but electric cars statewide. 

There’s just a little tiny huge problem with this latest brainstorm from the wacky environmentalist left says Ozzie Zehner Researcher, Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley and Author of Green Illusions, who in 2013 wrote in IEEE Spectrum that electric cars lead to hidden environmental and health dangers, together with producing only ‘marginally’ fewer greenhouse gas emissions than their gasoline or diesel counterparts adding:

A Norwegian study published October, 2012 in the ‘Journal of Industrial Ecology’ compared life-cycle impacts of electric vehicles. The researchers considered acid rain, airborne particulates, water pollution, smog and toxicity to humans as well as depletion of fossil fuel and mineral resources. According co-author Anders Stromman, ‘electric vehicles consistently perform worse on or par with modern internal combustion engine vehicles, despite virtual zero direct emissions during operation.’

“Moving from petroleum fueled vehicles to electric cars begins to look more-and-more like shifting from one brand of cigarette to another…Lets not be seduced by high-tech illusions.”

Related: Study Electric Cars No Greener than Gasoline Vehicles –UPI

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