$5.00+ Gasoline Returns to Southern California

Gas Prices Over $5 a Gallon in California Again --CBS$5.00 Gas Returns to Southern California –CBS Los Angeles

Gasoline prices in Southern California rose again today, leaving some drivers paying over $5.00 a gallon. FOX News Los Angeles reports that AAA says that the average price of a gallon of self serve regular gasoline in L.A. County has risen 12.3 cents a gallon in a week, 55.1 cents higher than one month ago.

On the 05 February, I wrote here that consumers are spending more at the pump with gasoline prices spiking to record levels for this time of the year.

Remember when ‘Hoax-n-Chains’ claimed in 2008 that rising gasoline prices were the result of George W. Bush’s failed energy policies. Where is the outrage from the political left now, as gasoline prices continue to spike during Obama’s Watch?

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