Not God’s Type –Holly Ordway, PhD

What happens when a College Professor at spiritual ground zero asks herself, What if God is real?

Holly Ordway, PhD was once hostile to Christianity but once she started asking questions, she was determined to follow the evidence and it took her where she never expected or wanted to end up–to the Foot of the Cross.

In this Memoir of her conversion Not God’s Type Holly Ordway, turns her analytic mind toward the path that leads from darkness to light–from death to life.

Simultaneously encouraging and bracing, Holly offers a bold testimony to the ongoing power of the Gospel–a Gospel that can humble and transform, even the self-assured, accomplished and secular minded young professional like herself.

Dr. Holly Ordway, is a Professor of English Literature at a San Diego Community College. In addition to her teaching and writing, she is a lay reader and parish librarian at her church, St. Michael’s by-the-Sea and a competitive Sabre Fencer.

Holly’s favorite authors areĀ  C.S. Lewis and Gerard Manley Hopkins and she considers a really good cup of coffee to be one of life’s simple pleasures.

Related: Dr. Holly Ordway’s Blog–Hierpraxis

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