Woops! Los Angeles Times Claims Democrats Led to Passage of 1964 Civil Rights Act

Republican PartyRepublicans, Democrats & Blacks –Image: PoliNation

(Breitbart) In a stunning historical error Los Angeles Times reporters history revisionists Kathleen Hennessey, Richard Simon and Alexei Koseff claimed, reporting on the 50th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King March on Washington this week:

“Since Democrats led the passage for Civil Rights legislation that marchers pushed for in 1963, Republicans have struggled to recover with black voters, leaving a stark racial divide in American politics.”

Flashback: On the 10 June, 2012 Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit correctly noted “On this day in history in 1964, Democrats filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”

GOP Senate Leader Everett Dirksen (R-Illinois) condemned the Democrats 57 day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to Civil Rights for Black Americans was KKK Member Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) which Democrats to this day still refer to him as “the conscience of the Senate.”

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