Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. John the Apostle & Evangelist, Please Pray For Us!

St John the ApostleSt. John the Apostle –Image Courtesy: CNA@Twitter

(Franciscan Media) It is God who calls, humans answer–The vocation of John and his brother James is stated very simply in the Gospels, along with that of Peter and his brother Andrew, Jesus called them and they followed.

The absoluteness of their response is indicated by the account–James and John “were in a boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets, He called them and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed Him.” —Matthew 4:21-22

For the three former Fishermen, Peter, James and John, that faith was to be rewarded by a special friendship with Jesus. They alone were present at the Transfiguration, the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the agony in Gethsemane but John’s friendship was even more special–tradition assigns to him the 4th Gospel, although most modern scripture scholars think its unlikely the Apostle and the Evangelist are the same person.

John’s own Gospel refers to him as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” —John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2 The one who reclined to Jesus at the ‘Last Supper’ and the one to whom He gave the exquisite honor, as he stood beneath the Cross, of caring for his Mother. ‘When Jesus saw his Mother and the disciple who he loved standing near, He said, “Behold your Mother” and from that hour the disciple took Her to his own home.’ —John 19:26-27

As a result of the depth of the Gospel, John is usually thought of as the ‘Eagle of Theology’ soaring in high regions that other writers did not enter but the ever frank Gospels reveal some very human traits: Jesus gave James and John the nickname “Sons of Thunder.” (Mark 3:17)

Related: Feast of Saint John the Apostle & Evangelist –USCCB

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