Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of Pope Saint Damasus I, Please Pray For Us!

Saint DamasusPope Saint Damasus I –Image: Pinterest

(CatholicOnline@Facebook) All lovers of scripture have reason to celebrate this date. Damasus was the Pope that commissioned Saint Jerome to translate the scriptures into Latin, the Vulgate version of theĀ  Bible.

To his Secretary St. Jerome, Damasus was “an incomparable person, learned in the scriptures, a virgin doctor of the virgin Church, who loved chastity and heard its praises with pleasure.”

As Pope, his lifestyle was simple in contrast to other ecclesiastics of Rome and he was fierce in his denunciation of Arianism and other heresies. A misunderstanding of the Trinitarian terminology used by Rome threatened amicable relations with the Eastern Church and Damasus was only moderately successful in dealing with that challenge.

More here from Catholic Online and here from Franciscan Media

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