Gao Zhisheng Wife Geng He Seeks Help To Free Husband From China Regime Persecutors

Human Rights Activists Protest Unlawful Detention of Gao Zhisheng

My husband Gao Zhisheng is a renowned lawyer in China, he has always fought for the rights of his clients, and he has always tried his best to provide free service to the poor.

Money and power can never seduce him, the evil and dark forces can never coerce him to give in, he has been promoting justice, righteousness and human rights to Chinese people, making use of his role as a lawyer. Gao’s sense of justice and his outstanding eloquence have even moved the hearts of judges in the Chinese Communist system.

However such a great lawyer who wholeheartedly served the people is (being) oppressed and brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist authorities.

Rest here by Geng He –Please Help Free My Husband Gao Zhisheng

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