U.S. Army: Morale Dropping Among Troops in Afghanistan

US Army

Morale is dropping in Afghanistan as President Obama can’t seem to make a decision as Commander in Chief regarding Troop strength.

Last year while campaigning for President, then Senator “say anything” Obama said, that the United States
needs to focus on Afghanistan
in its battle against terrorism. He didn’t mean it.

Once Obama became Commander in Chief his Administration renamed terrorism now called man caused disasters their politically correct phrase, so as not to offend any Muslim such as Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thug Hasan, the Ft. Hood mass murderer.

Obama’s hesitancy is sending a message to our enemies the Obama Administration is so traumatized by the thought the Afghan campaign may become their Vietnam, that they seem to have lost their will to lead.

On the 03 November, I wrote here that Obama is vacillating—indecisive on Afghanistan Troop request. Obama’s lack of military experience, his lack of command authority and political correctness is endangering the lives of our American Hero’s.

Related Posts: Obama Can’t Be Bothered By Islamic Terrorism–Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, Via NY Post

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Doesn’t Care About War Via Politico.com

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