Noble Prize Winner Physicist Ivar Giaever to Obama on Global Warming: You’re Dead Wrong

Wheel of Climate Change(CA Political Review) Barack Obama is a radical ideologue–facts, science, reason and common sense mean nothing, to him, the Constitution is nothing more than an historical document and Congress is merely a debate society without power or responsibility. Now a Noble Prize Winner–a real Scientist, exposes the Obama climate change fraud.

The biggest problem Obama faces is climate change — how can he say that, Physicist Ivar Giaever asked? “I say this to Obama: Excuse me Mr. President but you’re wrong, you’re dead wrong, rejecting the president’s claims than man-made global warming is causing climate change.

I think Obama is a cleaver person but gets bad advice. Global Warming is all wet,” Giaever said in a speech given last Summer to Scientists from 90 countries, attending the 65th annual Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany.

“So global warming really starts with these two people: Al Gore and (former U.N. Climate Head Rajendra) Pachauri and what they did–they made this curve popular and what did the curve measure? Well, this curve measures what is the average temperature for the world for a whole year…For one year. So there’s an average temperature for the whole earth for one year and that measure in a fraction of a degree.”

“So what does that mean? I think probably nothing. Let me talk about that again: From 1880 to 2015 the temperature has increased from 288K (degrees Kelvin) to 288.8K — 0.3% I think that temperature has been amazingly stable.”

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