Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Please Pray For Us!

St. Eusebius of Vercelli
Image: Catholic Online

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Sardinia, Eusebius became a member of the Roman Clergy and is the first recorded Bishop of Vercelli in Piedmont, Northwestern Italy and likewise is the first to link the Monastic life with that of the Clergy, establishing a community of his Diocesan Clergy on the principle that the best way to sanctify his people, was to have them see a Clergy formed in solid virtue and living in a community.

Bishop Eusebius was sent by Pope Liberius to persuade the Emperor to call a council to settle Catholic-Arianism troubles. When it was called in Milan, Bishop Eusebius went reluctantly, sensing that the Arianism (heresy) block would have its way–although, the Catholic were more numerous. Eusebius, refused to go along with the condemnation of Bishop St. Athanasius (Feast Day: 02 May) instead, he laid the Nicene Creed on the table and insisted that all execute it before taking up any other matters.

The Emperor put pressure on him but Bishop Eusebius insisted on Athanasius’ innocence and reminded the Emperor that secular force should not be used to influence Church decisions. At first, the Emperor threatened to kill Eusebius but sent him into exile in Israel. There the Arians dragged him through the streets and shut him up into a little room, releasing him only after his four day hunger strike–they resumed their harassment of Eusebius shortly thereafter.

Bishop Eusebius’ exile continued in Cappadocia according to SQPN and in Egypt until a new Emperor permitted him to be welcomed back to his See in Italy Vercelli — Bishop Eusebius would attend the Council of Alexandria with Bishop Athanasius and approved the leniency shown to Bishop’s who had wavered. Subsequently Eusebius would work with St. Hiliary of Poitiers (Feast Day: 13 January) against Arianism.

In August 371, Bishop Eusebius passed away in his own Diocese in Italy Vercelli.

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