Obama Apologizes to Totalitarian Regimes at U.N.


The Great One, lectured the world at the U.N. Climate Change Summit Wednesday, apologizing for the United States again because we have acted alone in “opposition to specific policies” of Islamists and Marxist regimes.

Warning our best friend in the Middle East—Israel, Obama said that the United States “does not recognize the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements which drew applause from the anti-Israel world leaders, coupled by a call for Palestinians to end their “incitement of Israel.”

What exactly does Obama define as “Palestinians incitement” of Israel? This may only mean one thing, Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Thugs firing rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel.

In 2008 Hamas supported Palestinians, fired 1750 rockets and 1528 mortar bombs into Southern Israel. During the past two years, there has been a substantial increase in rocket fire and a significant increase in mortar rounds. The damages done to the civilian population can not be measured only statistically in terms of dead or wounded, studies done in recent years have shown, that the continued rocket fire and large numbers of shock victims have led to post traumatic stress disorder among as many as 30% of Sderot residents, which influences their mental health and is seriously damaging their quality of life.

In May, Prime Minister Nenjamin Netanyahu rejected Obama’s call for a settlement freeze in the West Bank and vowed not to accept limits on building Jewish enclaves within Jerusalem.

In April, I wrote here that the Obama Administration is telling Israel to negotiate away its security in exchange for what?

Palestinian Arabs do not want a state, the PLO and the Palestinian Authority view Israel as Arab and Muslim land and want all of the Jews out of Israel.

Obama is naive, demonstrating he is weak and inexperienced to believe he is going to somehow have just the right words to change the hearts and minds of Islamic Jihadists and that everyone will learn to just get along and live peaceably with one another.

Iranian Fascist President Ahmadinejad, once again last week denied the Holocaust calling it nothing but a false pretext to create Israel which has no future. In 2005 Ahmadinejad in agreement with the PLO and Palestinian Authority, said that all the Jews should move from Israel leaving the Islamic land for Europe.

It’s about time for Barack Obama to grow up and face the truths of reality. History must be a good teacher to prevent continuing to make the same mistakes of the past.

We must take the Islamic Jihadists at their word and stop the pretending that one is going to convince them to change their ways.

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