China Universities Urged to Adhere to Socialism and Cautions About the Dangers of Western Ideals

China Raising the Wall Again‘Why is Uncle Raising the Wall Again? Silly Child Of Course Its
to Make Us Safer.” –Image Courtesy: Paopaonet@Twitter

(Xinhua) Liu Yunshan, a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the China Communist Party on Saturday, urged the country’s universities to improve education of socialism on campus–Earlier this month, China regime media cautioned about the dangers of Western ideals.

Flashback: In December I wrote here that subsequent to Michelle Obama’s ‘Mooch Trip’ to China promoting student educational exchanges China regime President Xi Jinping, called for greater ‘ideological guidance’ (propagandizing) of students at universities saying:

Universities have to “shoulder the burden of learning and researching the dissemination of Marxism” calling on authorities to step up the totalitarian party’s ‘leadership and guidance’ in universities as well as to ‘strengthen and improve the ideological and political work’ as the country tightens control of Western values.

Related: China Regime The ‘Cancer’ of All Things Western –CMP

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