Where’s the Moral Outrage by Feminists & Dems? Proposed Iranian Laws are Setback for Women

Islamic Women...Islam #1 Abuser of Women & Children Worldwide -Image: Salt & Light

(VOA) Proposed new laws in Obama’s peace-partner Islamic Fascist Iran, would restrict Women’s access to contraceptives and jobs, according to a new report issued this month by Amnesty International.

The human rights watchdog has expressed alarm by two bills moving through Iran’s parliament (which the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton have been silent about, I digress) that aim to arrest the rouge regimes plunging birth rate and declining population–which would make Iranian Women, little more than baby-making factories.

“The Iranian authorities are trying to, first of all, ban voluntary female sterilization, which is interestingly the second most common method of birth-control in Iran after pills,” said Raha Bahreini, Amnesty Intl Iran’s researcher. “They are also restricting access to information about sexual reproductive health and specifically methods of contraception.”

The new laws would also ban vasectomies.

Such restrictions could have far-reaching consequences for Iranian Women, Bahreini said.

Amnesty Intl also said a second proposed law would entrench sexual discrimination of Women by giving priority for job vacancies to Men and to Women who already have children–Young Women without children would be at the bottom of the pile.

“That means Women will be further excluded from the labor market in Iran…Also it tries to make divorce more difficult to obtain. Women already face lots of obstacles in getting divorced and they do not have equal divorce rights as Men, said Bahreini.

Iran’s objective is to combat a declining and aging population but the policies would incur additional short-term economic pain, according to Shereen Hussein, a demographer and senior researcher fellow at King’s College London.

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