Hillary Clinton Does a Leona Helmsley: Only the Little People Have to Obey the Law

Hillary E-Mail ControversyHillary Clinton: Only Little People Have to Obey the Law
Cartoon: Politico

(Bloomberg) Hillary Clinton said at a news conference today regarding her private email controversy that she created:

“I think we have more than met the requests from the State Dept…The server will remain private…”

Flashback: Remember in June, 2014 when Hillary Clinton claimed when she and Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001 they were ‘not only dead broke but in debt.’

Them servers that Hillary Clinton now wants us to believe were so “effective and secure” must have been pretty cheap if ‘Poor old Hillary Clinton were as broke and deeply in debt’ that she wants us to believe.

Related: Hillary Deleted 32,000 E-Mails Refuses to Turnover Server

Clinton Staffer Handpicked Questions at Press Conference

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