Today Christians Commemorate St. Sebastian, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

St SebastianSaint Sebastian (257-288)

(Franciscan Media) Almost nothing is historically certain about Saint Sebastian except that he was a Roman Martyr for Jesus Christ, was venerated in Milan even in the time of Saint Ambrose and was buried on the Appian Way, close to the catacombs that bear his name.

Devotion to Sebastian spread rapidly and he’s mentioned in several Martyologies as early as 350 AD

The legend of St. Sebastian is important in art and there is a vast iconography. Scholars now agree that a pious has Sebastian entering the Roman army because only there could he assist the Martyrs without arousing suspicion–finally he was however found out and brought before Emperor Diocletian and delivered to Mauritanian archers to be shot to death, his body was pierced with arrows and he was left for dead.

Sebastian was however found still alive by those who came to bury him, he recovered but refused to flee. One day he took up a position near where the Emperor was to pass and confronted him, denouncing him for the cruelty to Christians–this time the sentence of death was carried out and Sebastian was beaten with clubs to death.

More here from EWTN

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Sebastian, Visit: -USCCB

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