Obama Administration Orchestrated a Plan to Topple the Israel Government

Obama Administration IsraelObama Administration -v- Israel –Cartoon: Branco/Legal Insurrection

Its been rather obvious for quite some time that the Obama Administration is not a friend to Israel–from its earliest days and their pro-Islamic/anti-Israel alliances to more recently, the White House announcement of a “major” break with Israel and its intentions to begin voting with the Islamic enemies of American ally-Israel at the United Nations unless the Israel government acquiesces to Obama’s wishes.

In May, 2010 it was first reported in ‘The Philadelphia Bulletin’ and Israel Behind the News’ but got little coverage elsewhere, of the Obama Administration’s “psychological warfare campaign” meant to topple Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Conservative Likuid party.

Now were learning this early report was even more accurate than many may have otherwise wanted to believe and that the Obama Administration’s latest reach into what has always been ken of agencies like the CIA: regime change Steve Berman of Red State reports–only this isn’t to topple Communism in Central American or the Islamic Fascist government of Iran, its to overthrow an American ally, Israel P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu, our best friend in the Middle East.

Aaron Klein wrote in the Jerusalem Post:

“The White House has singled out Netanyahu as standing in the way of Obama’s utopian vision for a new Middle East and Persian Gulf. What better way to bypass this obstacle than aiding in Netanyahu’s removal from office.”

Recently, Netanyahu’s fragile coalition government finally fractured with both Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni dismissed and Netanyahu dissolving the Knesset with new elections to be scheduled. This will be Netanyahu’s greatest internal challenge Klein comments, that it was in no small part brought about by the Obama Administration meddling in Israeli politics.

Related: (Video) Valerie Jarrett & Obama Plan to Oust Bibi Netanyahu

Obama & the U.N. Timetable for Israel’s Destruction –Front Page

Rabbi Shumuley: Obama’s Secret Appeasement of Iran –NY Observer

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