Obama Statement on Malaysian #17 Disaster: Yade, Yade, Yade…

Obama Russia

(CNBC) Obama called on Russia this morning to cooperate with the investigation of Malaysian #17 disaster saying:

“My preference continues to be a diplomatic resolution within Ukraine–I believe that can happen, that is my preference today and it will continue to be my preference but if Russia continues to violated Ukraine’s sovereignty and back these separatists and these separatists become more and more dangerous and now are risks not simple to the people inside Ukraine but the broader international community, then Russia will further isolate itself from the international community and the costs for Russia’s behavior will only continue to increase.”

Huh? If these separatists become more and more dangerous. They shot down a commercial aircraft and are keeping crash and crime scene investigators away from the crash site, how much more dangerous can they be?

How is talking, talking, talking…changing Vladimir Putin’s behavior regarding the Ukraine?

Flashback: In March, the Obama Administration “warned” the Russian’s that there would be serious consequences if last ditch efforts to resolve the Ukraine crisis are futile.

Vladimir Putin doesn’t appear to care much if at all about Obama’s feckless threats.

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