Hong Kong Residents Participation in ‘Unofficial Election’ Draws Beijing Anger

Hong KongHundreds of Thousands in Hong Kong Voted in ‘Unofficial Election’
that Drew Beijing Ire –Image: BBC  (Chinese)

Hong Kong Pro -Democracy VoteHong Kong Pro-Democracy Vote Hit by Severe Cyberattacks –WSJ Asia

(NY Times)  Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents did something on Friday that no one in Mainland China ever do, they participated in a free vote over their political future.

The China regime promptly denounced the entire election process calling it “illegal and invalid,” and “an outright challenge to the basic law” that provides for the city’s foundation.

On the 11 June, I wrote here that the China regime warned Hong Kong residents that there are limits to their autonomy and it should adhere strictly to the rules established by totalitarian Marxist Beijing for the maintenance of good public order.

One must very much admire Hong Kong residents pro-democracy tenacity and activism.

Related: Former HK Official Says UK Failing to Defend Democracy

Hong Kong and China Regime: A Showdown Looms –Economist

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